Title: Different Components of a Swimming Pool Skimmer
1Different Components of a Swimming Pool Skimmer
2 The basic function of a swimming pool skimmer is
to remove any debris such as leaves from the
surface of the pool and remove them.
3The pool skimmer functions similar to a drain and
collects the debris in a secure basket that can
then be emptied as needed.
4How do skimmers work?
5The skimmers are the rectangular openings on the
sides of underground pools.
6Also, above-ground pools have skimmers and these
are usually hung from the sides of the pool and
float on the surface.
7Skimmers draw in water from the surface of the
pool, where most contaminants, including debris,
sunscreen, body oils and hair.
8Skimmers are designed to pull the top 1/8 inch of
the pool water. The suction power of skimmers is
so slight that often it goes unnoticed.
9Pool Skimmer components
10Pool skimmers are available in different sizes
and will vary in performance depending on the
model you choose. However, they all feature the
following parts
11The lid is a visible component of the skimmer and
works to keep larger debris such as twigs from
being sucked into the pool's circulation system.
12The mouth is the opening on the interior side of
the pool. It is through the mouth the water and
debris get sucked into to be filtered.
13The weir is the swinging flap located inside the
skimmer mouth and will pivot with the flow of the
14The skimmer or strainer basket collects the
debris before it is pulled into your pump.
Skimmer basket
15The suction line is connected to the skimmer
basket and is what drives the power of the
Suction line
16The equalizer line prevents the skimmer from
sucking in air in the event the water level has
dropped below the main inlet.
Equalizer line
17Leaks in your pool skimmers!
18Since skimmers work in catching all kinds of
things that fall into your pool, it is highly
prone to damage.
19The longer your pool skimmers quietly sit there
doing their job, the higher the probability they
will start to break up and decay.
20The interface of pool skimmer to the concrete
pool creates problems like freeze damage,
leaking, or collapsed broken plumbing pipes.
21Therefore, swimming pool wall skimmers need
regular maintenance and repair.
22Finding a leaking skimmer in the pool
23Leaks in the skimmer are among the most common
types of pool leaks.
24 The most common sign that a pool skimmer is
leaking is when the water level drops below the
skimmer and stays there.
25 The easiest way to locate the source of a
skimmer leak is to shut off the pool pump and
pour a few drops of red dye around the skimmer.