Title: Difference between a 50,100, and 200 Hour
1Difference between a 50,100, and 200 Hour
- Yoga Teacher Certification
2There are a lot of courses for people looking
forward to becoming a yoga teacher and obtaining
a certificate. From the basic course of 50 hours
and 100 hours to an extended course of 200 hours
of yoga training certificate. Below are the
details about each of these courses and how they
are different from one another.
3(No Transcript)
4How much time is required to become a Certified
Yoga Teacher?
- It depends on which alliance you choose, every
yoga alliance has its own set of standards that a
certified teacher must follow. For some of these
yoga alliances, 200 hours of the teacher training
course is enough for becoming certified. The
courses of 50 hours and 100 hours are only
accepted if you have first completed your 200
hours course. These course certificates are an
additional expansion to your knowledge that you
have about yoga.
550, 100, or 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Certification
Which one is enough?
- As you know that this depends on the alliance
that you join and most of the alliances have set
criteria for a basic 200 hours course. That is
why only the 200 hours course out of these is
accepted as a standard. A 50 hours yoga teacher
certificate and a 100 hours teacher certificate
are not valid for most organizations. They put
this condition that first, you should complete at
least 200 hours of yoga teacher training course
to obtain a certificate and after that, you can
obtain any small certificates of 50 hours or 100
6In which case can a 50 hours Yoga certification
be sufficient?
- A 50 hours yoga training certification is only
valid and sufficient once you have already
completed 200 hours of training course. The base
parameter here is also a 200 hours course that
can be combined with additional 50 hours of
training. This is done to further enhance
knowledge and practical experience about
different types of yoga. These additional 50
hours course certifications are valid but under
these conditions only. That is why you should
keep this fact in mind.
7Combining 50 hours or 100 hours Yoga teaching
- You cannot combine your 50 hours or 100 hours of
yoga teacher training courses or certificates to
complete 200 hours of the threshold. Each of
these courses is considered a different course
and the person who is taking these courses must
know that they cannot be combined. The reason
behind this is that every course has a different
purpose, subjects, and physical poses, and you
cannot combine 4 50 hours courses into one to
make them a 200 hours course.
- From the above arguments, it is clear that the
200 hours course certificate is compulsory for
most yoga alliances. But you should also work on
getting 50 hours yoga certificates, and 100 hours
of yoga certification only after completing the
200 hours course. This is important as it will
help you know more about yoga and learn it more