Title: Anthony Amirthanayagam - Fall In Love With Medical Profession
1A n t h o n y A m i r t h a n a y a g a m
Medical Professional
Brampton ,On ,Canada
2Anthony Amirthanayagam
Successful people know that they need objecti
vity from the outside in order to continue to
grow and progress at their level. Investment d
oes not stop at medical school, and doctors nee
d to think differently. Thinking and moving forwar
d means taking risks. Take risks and you can achie
ve anything.
3Medical Professional
Successful doctors attract successful people.
Evaluate each quarter the people you spend time
with and the conversations you have with them.
You need to set people in your life in such a
way that you want to spend most of your time as
inspiration and motivation. If you look around
your circle, you will find that you are cleverer
than everyone else in your group. Challenge
self-talk that contributes to your stress.
4Contact Us
12 Enford Cres, Brampton, ON L7A
4E8 647-262-7813
Anthony Amirthanayagam
5T H A N K Y O U