Title: Matthew Conway (Louisville KY) - A Highly Organized Professional
1Matthew Conway Louisville KY
Real Estate Attorney Owner, Fendley Conway, PLLC
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3Matt Conway is the practicing attorney in
Louisville in the Fendley Conway, PLLC. He opened
this law firm along with another attorney called
Daniel Fendley. Before owning his own law firm,
he took up a shop as his private practice with
Ron Aslam.
4Matt Conway is an experienced attorney who has
been working in various fields within attorney
and has the expertise to solve issues. Matthew
Conway has been a Real Estate attorney for 3
years and then he joined his fathers law firm.
5Matthew Charles Conway returned to the
prosecution, but this time worked at the
Commonwealth Attorneys Office from July 2009 to
2011. He has also done clerking at Alston Bird,
LLC in Atlanta.
6Matt Conway lived in Atlanta for 2 years, and did
his Bachelors of Arts in History with a minor in
philosophy and political science from Emory
University. His rich educational background with
good experience has brought him to be an
experienced attorney.
Find out more about him at his official site