Title: Hire Freelance Teacher Online
- Find Hire Talented Freelancers Online Giggzy
Freelance -
2How Giggzy Works ?
Pay Freelancer Directly Pay your freelancer
directly. You don't pay any commission fee to
Contact Hire Contact and hire the freelancer
directly by phone or email to work remotely or
Search for Free Search for freelancers and
filter by country, city, price and rating
3For Freelancers
Sign up for Free Sign up for free and create
your freelancer profile
Get Hired Clients interested in your skills will
contact you directly and discuss the project and
payment terms
Perform Work Get Paid Perform the work and get
paid directly by client. No commission fees
4Giggzy connects you with talented freelancers
around the world to help you with your projects
remotely or on-site
- Are you a freelancer looking to work remotely or
on-site? - Sign up for free
- Post your service
- No Commission fees
- Work from home or on-site
- Looking for a freelancer?
- Search for freelancer
- Filter by country, city, fees, ratings
- Check reviews
- Connect with freelancer directly and hire
- Rate freelancer and leave a review
- No commission fee
5Our Mission Vision
- Our vision is to become the leading platform for
any type of services in the Middle East, Turkey
North Africa. - Our mission is to provide the opportunity to
freelancers and businesses to build their online
presence, show case their services and connect
with clients directly.
6About Us
- Giggzy offers a platform that connects
freelancers and clients within their countries or
around the world a simplified process for
freelancers to open their account for free and
display their portfolios and skills and an easy
search for clients to find their desirable
freelancers and hire them directly without paying
any commission fee, both from the comfort of
their homes.
- Contact and hire the freelancer directly by phone
or email to work remotely or on-site - Pay your freelancer directly. You don't pay any
commission fee to giggzy - Sign up for free and create your freelancer
profile - Clients interested in your skills will contact
you directly and discuss the project and payment
terms - Perform the work and get paid directly by client.
No commission fees
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