Title: americancelltechnolo
1Cord Blood Banking
While serving you with cord blood banking
services, ACT uses proprietary technology and the
highest quality xeno-free media when working with
your cells.
2Stem Cell Banking Cost
Stem cell banking cost is variable and adult
banking is often less expensive than banking a
newborns cord blood. Banking costs vary by type
of storage selection and pre-paid annual banking
fee options. For cost of procedure, please
contact your physician directly.
3Baby Cord Blood Banking
Baby cord blood banking ensures that you save you
babys stem cells with the longest telomeres, the
protective endcaps on DNA that tell the age of
the cell, which otherwise only get shorter over
time and lead to common age-related diseases.
4Contact Us
Address- 13794 NW 4th St Suite 212 Sunrise,
Florida 33325 United States
Website- https//americancelltechnology.com/ http