Title: Chemotherapy & alopecia specialized wigs at best prices
1Non Surgical Hair Replacement Services
Hair Fixing Zone
2About Us
At HFZ Hair Fixing Zone, we understand that no
two clients are ever exactly alike men and
women come to us faced with different needs and
goals and budgets. So its our job to help them
identify the best solution for them. Thats why
everything we do begins with a FREE consultation.
We invite clients to meet one-on-one, in one of
our stylish relaxing studios, where well
briefly evaluate your scalp condition, talk with
you about your needs, and point you toward some
potential solutions.
3Hair Extension
Hair Fixing Zones Clip-In Hair Extensions are
the easiest, fastest, and safest ways to get
Hair length, volume and style in just a matter
of minutes. Clip-in hair extensions come with
the clips already attached to them. This means,
you can simply take the wefts and easily clip
them into your hair all by yourself, without any
additional costs, time, or professional help.
Clip-in hair extensions are the perfect solution
for those who are looking to get thicker hair and
longer hair instantly, without the hassle,
long-term commitment or breaking the bank.
4Suffer hair loss from baldness? A natural and
comfortable non surgical hair loss solution
from Hair Fixing Zone is here for you.Normally
Hair Fixing is a non- surgical Hair
Replacement Procedure.
Men who are faced with hair loss from
chemotherapy/Alopecia or radiation treatment
often choose at least one wig and then alternate
wearing the wig(s) with hats and scarves.
Remember, your hair will grow back, although its
thickness, texture, and color may not be the
same as it was before treatment. What should you
do to prepare for hair loss? Make sure you
actually will need a wig. Not all chemotherapy
and Alopecia causes hair loss. If your hair is
long, consider having it cut short so that
switching to a wig or other head covering will
be less noticeable. Hair generally falls out 2-3
weeks after your first chemo treatment. Once it
starts falling out, consider having your head
shaved (use an electric razor to avoid cuts).
We are one of the leading Manufacturer, Exporter
and Service Provider of Bases of Human Hair
Wigs, Front Lace Wigs for Men, Full Lace Wigs for
Men. Human Hair Wig Tapes of Hair System etc.
A Lot of Men these days experience issues
related to hair.
Hair grows about an inch every couple of months.
Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, remains at
that length for a short period, then falls out.
A new hair soon begins growing in its place. At
any one time, about 85 of the hair on your head
is in the growing phase and 15 is not.
Marathahalli, Bangalore
Thank you! Contact us if there are any questions.
Phone Number 91 9916160222
Email Address info_at_hairfixingzone.com