what is algorithm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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what is algorithm


An algorithm is a collection of instructions for performing a specific computation or operation. Algorithms originated in mathematics – the word “algorithm.” It comes from the Arabic writer Muhammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm. An algorithm is a simple, unambiguous definition of what needs to be done – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: what is algorithm

What is Algorithm
  • An algorithm is a collection of instructions for
    performing a specific computation or operation.
    Algorithms originated in mathematics the word
    algorithm. It comes from the Arabic writer
    Muhammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm. An algorithm is a
    simple, unambiguous definition of what needs to
    be done. An algorithm generates a specific set of
    results. It could return the greater of the two
    numbers, an all-uppercase version of a phrase, or
    a sorted list of numbers. An algorithm is
    guaranteed to finish and generate a result after
    a finite amount of time. If an algorithm could
    run indefinitely, it would be useless because you
    would never get a response. 

  • There are a few algorithms that appear over and
    over again. Well look at three of the most
    popular in this tutorial searching, sorting and
    adding to/removing from a linked list.
    Understanding these three examples will help us
    lay a stable basis on which we can confidently
    tackle potential algorithm problems!

Binary search
  • Binary search is a simple search algorithm that
    takes a sorted array as input and returns the
    index of the value were looking for. We
    accomplish this by taking the following
    stepsFind the sorted arrays midpoint.
  • Compare the midpoint to the interest rate.
  • Perform a binary check on the right half of the
    array if the midpoint is greater than the value.
  • Perform a binary check on the left half of the
    array if the midpoint is less than the value.
  • Repeat these steps until the midpoint value
    equals the value of interest or until we know the
    value isnt in the array.
  • The time complexity of the binary search is
    O(logn). We know this because we only need one
    more iteration of our algorithm to get to our
    final answer if we double our input array size.
    This is why binary search is such an essential
    computer science algorithm.

Merge Sort
  • To sort arrays efficiently, merge sort uses a
    similar divide and conquer technique. To see
    how merge sort is implemented, follow the steps
    below.Return true if the array has only one
    element and is already sorted.
  • Divide the list into halves until it can no
    longer be divided.
  • Until we have our original sorted array, combine
    smaller arrays in sorted order.
  • Two methods will be specified to implement merge
    sort. One will deal with breaking up the array,
    while the other will deal with combining two
    unsorted arrays into a single sorted array.
    Recursively, we call the dividing-up method
    (merge sort) until our array has only one
    element. After that, we combine them again and
    return our sorted list. Merge Sort has an
    O(nlogn) time complexity, which is the highest
    time complexity possible for a sorting algorithm. 

Adding and Removing From a Linked List
  • The linked list is a basic data structure in
    computer science that is especially useful for
    its constant-time insertion and deletion. We can
    perform certain processes much more quickly with
    nodes and pointers than we could with an array. A
    linked list consists of nodes, each containing
    data and a pointer to the next node. We can
    remove items from the center of a set with a
    linked list instead of moving the remainder of
    the data structure in memory, as we would with an
    array. We will achieve optimum productivity by
    selecting the right data structure for our needs!

Use of algorithm
  • Algorithms have the ability to save lives, make
    things smoother, and bring order to chaos.
    However, experts are concerned that they may
    place too much power in the hands of companies
    and governments, perpetuating prejudice, creating
    filter bubbles, limiting options, innovation, and
    serendipity, and possibly leading to increased
    unemployment. The overall effect of ubiquitous
    algorithms is currently incalculable. All of our
    extended thinking systems (algorithms power the
    software and communication that allow extended
    thinking systems) necessitate more thinking, not
    less, and a broader perspective than we have
    previously been able to achieve. Expanding data
    collection and analysis and the application of
    that data will cure illnesses, alleviate poverty,
    provide timely solutions to people and places in
    need, and dispel decades of bias and mistaken

Maths behind algorithms
  • Machine learning algorithms are built so that
    they learn from their mistakes and enhance their
    performance as they consume more data. Every
    algorithm learns and predicts data in its own
    unique way. The workings of several machine
    learning algorithms and some of the mathematical
    equations used in such algorithms aid learning.

Linear Regression
  • By fitting the best line on the data points,
    linear regression is used to predict a continuous
    variables outcome. A relationship between the
    dependent and independent variables is described
    by the best-fitted line (s). The algorithm seeks
    out the best-fitting line for predicting the
    target variables value. The best-fit line is
    found by minimizing the number of squared
    differences between the data points and the
    regression line. Equation Y c m1X1 m2X2
    .. mnXn
  • Y ? Dependent Variable or Target Variable
  • m ? Slope
  • c ? Intercept
  • X ? Independent Variables

Logistic Regression
  • The classification algorithm logistic regression
    is used to predict a categorical variable based
    on the independent variables. It fits the data to
    a logistic function to estimate the likelihood of
    an occurrence occurring. Maximizing the
    probability function optimizes the coefficients
    of the independent variables in the logistic
    function. The cost function is minimized by
    optimizing a decision boundary. Gradient Descent
    may be used to reduce the cost function. (THE

Naive Bayes
  • The Bayes Theorem is the basis for the Naive
    Bayes classification algorithm. This algorithm
    assumes that the independent variables have no
    association. i.e., the existence of one feature
    in a class does not imply the presence of another
    feature in that class. We make a frequency table
    for all predictors against the groups (distinct
    values of the target variable) and measure their
    probability. The posterior likelihood for each
    class is determined using the Naive Bayes
    equation. The class with the highest probability
    of all the class probabilities would be the Naive
    Bayes Classifiers product. (THE EQUATION COULD

Decision Trees
  • Decision Trees are typically used to solve
    classification problems, but they can also solve
    regression problems. We divide the dataset into
    two or more homogeneous sets using this algorithm
    based on the attribute that divides the dataset
    the most effectively. Calculating Entropy and
    Information Gain is one approach for selecting
    the attribute that will break the dataset. The
    sum of impurity in the variable is captured by
    entropy. The Information Gain is equal to the
    parent nodes entropy minus the number of the
    child nodes entropies. For splitting, the
    attribute with the highest Information Gain is
    chosen. We may also break the dataset using the
    Gini Index as an impurity criterion. (THE

Random Forests
  • Random Forests are made up of many Decision Trees
    that work together to form an ensemble. An
    Ensemble, rather than a single model, is a set of
    models used to predict the result. Each decision
    tree predicts a class outcome in random forests,
    and the class outcome with the most votes becomes
    the prediction of random forests. The Decision
    Trees should be least associated with each other
    for accurate predictions.

k-NN (k Nearest Neighbors)
  • This algorithm is applied to both regression and
    classification problems. By calculating its
    distance from all data points, the algorithm
    finds the k nearest neighbors of data points.
    Among the k neighbors, the data point is assigned
    to the class with the most points (voting
    process). It calculates the mean of the k closest
    neighbors in the case of Regression.

  • K-Means is an unsupervised learning algorithm
    used to build data clusters. The clusters should
    be constructed so that the data points within
    each cluster are as close as possible while the
    clusters themselves are as distinct as possible.
    It chooses K positions at random, each of which
    serves as the clusters centroid. The data points
    are allocated to the clusters that are closest to
    them. After the data points have been allocated,
    each clusters centroid is calculated, and the
    data points are assigned to the closest clusters
    once more. Furthermore, this method is repeated
    until all of the data points are in the same
    cluster, or the cluster centroids do not change
    between iterations.

  • Apriori Algorithm
  • The Apriori Algorithm is a rule-based algorithm
    that finds the most common item sets in a
    database. A frequent itemset is one whose support
    value exceeds a certain threshold (support).
  • XGBoost
  • XGBoost is a decision tree-based Gradient
    Boosting algorithm. It consists of a group of
    weak learners who work together to make
    remarkably accurate predictions. Boosting, in
    other terms, receives the previous models errors
    and attempts to develop the model by learning
    from them.

Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • SVM is a supervised learning algorithm. It solves
    problems like classification and regression. SVM
    seeks to find the best hyperplane in
    N-dimensional space (N refers to the number of
    features) to distinguish the various groups.
    Using the Hinge loss function, it finds the ideal
    hyperplane by maximizing the margin distance
    between the groups observations. The dimension
    of the hyperplane is N-1 if the number of
    features is N.

When to choose which algorithm in Machine
  • The response to which Machine Learning algorithm
    to use depends on a variety of factors, including
    the problem statement and the type of output you
    want, the type and size of the data, the
    computing time available, the number of features,
    and the number of observations in the data, to
    name a few. Here are some important factors to
    consider when selecting an algorithm.

Size of the training data
  • To get accurate forecasts, it is better to
    collect a large amount of data. However, data
    availability is often a constraint. Choose
    algorithms with high bias/low variance if the
    training data is small or the dataset has fewer
    observations and a higher number of features,
    such as genetics or textual data. If the training
    data is large enough and the number of
    observations is greater than the number of
    features, low bias/high variance algorithms may
    be used.

The number of characteristics/features
  • There may be many features in the dataset, but
    not all of them are important and meaningful.
    When dealing with certain types of data, such as
    genetics or text, the number of features relative
    to the number of data points can be very high.
    Some learning algorithms can become clogged by a
    large number of features, making training time
    unfeasible. SVM operates best with data that has
    a wide feature space but few observations. To
    minimize dimensionality and pick essential
    features, PCA and feature selection techniques
    should be used. When choosing an algorithm for a
    machine learning task, efficiency could be the
    most obvious metric. However, performance isnt
    enough to determine which algorithm is best for
    the job. Additional parameters, such as memory
    specifications, training and prediction times,
    interpretability, and data format, must be met by
    your model. 
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