Title: CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
1CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
2CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 All Assignments For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 1
Individual Use Case Diagram CSS 422 Week 2 Team
CRM Overview, Stakeholders, Development
Methodology CSS 422 Week 2 Individual System
Reference Guide Software Architecture
3CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 1 Individual Use Case Diagram For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422
Week 1 Individual Use Case Diagram Select an
internet-accessible website in which you, as an
end user, can perform multiple functions.
4CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 2 Individual System Reference Guide
Software Architecture Comparison For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week
2 Individual System Reference Guide Software
Architecture Comparison You have been called upon
to put together some reference materials for
other groups to follow, since up until now they
have not created any formal architectural
5CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 2 Team CRM Overview, Stakeholders,
Development Methodology For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 2 Team
CRM Overview, Stakeholders, Development
Methodology As a team, develop the first three
sections of the Architectural Design Document
(ADD) in Microsoft Word. Summarize these
sections in 150 to 175 words.
6CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 3 Individual System Reference Guide
Diagramming For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com CSS 422 Week 3 Individual System
Reference Guide Diagramming You have been called
upon to put together some reference materials for
other groups to follow, since up until now they
have not created any formal architectural
7CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 3 Team Use Cases, User Stories,
Components and Connectors For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 3
Learning Team Use Cases, User Stories,
Components and Connectors As a team, develop the
next three sections of the Architectural Design
Document (ADD).
8CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 4 Individual System Reference Guide
Quality Attributes For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 4
Individual System Reference Guide Quality
Attributes Complete the System Reference Guide
for your employer, and include an architecture
for a new employee website.
9CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 4 Team Functional Requirements and
Design Decisions For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 4 Team
Functional Requirements and Design Decisions As a
team, develop the next two sections of the
Architectural Design Document (ADD). The summary
of this section should total 150 to 175 words and
will include a matrix.
10CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 5 Individual Public Cloud
Development Presentation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week 5
Individual Public Cloud Development
Presentation Your company is considering a move
to Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services to
host a web-based application.
11CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com
CSS 422 Week 5 Team System Modeling For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CSS 422 Week
5 Team System Modeling As a team, finalize the
Architectural Design Document (ADD) by creating
system modeling diagrams. In the ADD, label this
section System Modeling. Refer to the list of
stakeholders you prepared earlier.
12CSS 422 Inspiring Communication / snaptutorial.com