Title: Hot Water Boilers - Wallington Plumbing Supply
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2NTI Compact-4, 145 degree, 4 gal. Electric Hot
Water Heater
The high quality and affordable price of the NTI
Compact mini tank electric water heater makes it
the number one choice in over 1 million homes and
businesses. Easy to install, it plugs into
standard wall outlets and the Compact 6 version
can be installed.
3NTI Tx 101 Max 101 MBH Hot Water Boiler
The Tx high-efficiency stainless steel heating
boiler is easy to install and maintain, and has
proven reliability by the most used and tested
technology worldwide. The user-friendly
programmable display, fully packaged and wired
assembly, and easy to clean.
4NTI Tx 151C Max DHW 151 MBH Combi Hot Water Boiler
The Tx Combi is the perfect choice for high
efficiency water tube combination boiler
applications. This boiler provides both space
heating and domestic hot water in one single
appliance, providing all the heat you need in one
compact and affordable package.