Title: Gesso- The Ultimate Paint for Canvas Painting
1Gesso- The Ultimate Paint for Canvas Painting
Painting on canvas is altogether a different
feeling. And the ones who are regular to canvas
painting, know that it is a task to paint on
canvas. A rough surface, issues while gliding
the paintbrush, strokes not coming out with
finesse, etc., are some issues that come
complimentary while you use paints for canvas.
Not just that, gesso can also be used to repaint
a damaged painting or any part that needs a
2What is Gesso?
It is a combination of acrylic polymer (binder),
chalk, and paint pigment. When the gesso was
invented, it was available in white color only,
but with people getting innovative it now comes
in black, transparent, and other colors. Though
applying a white gesso is the most preferred
choice but you can also mix a little amount of
acrylic color to the gesso, and give your canvas
a colored base. How Does Gesso Make a
Difference? Gesso works as a primer for the base
of your canvas and gives you a smooth texture to
glide your brush on. If you are a professional
artist, then you might be familiar that how
great a difference does a gesso finish canvas
painting makes. Gesso gives your canvas a smooth
texture, which is otherwise fabric- like and
little rough. This characteristic makes it tough
to use the paintbrush and thick colors in the
painting, as they dont give the desired result.
Thus, with just one layer of gesso, you can have
a smooth and plain surface that will make it
very convenient for you to use the paints for
canvas and play with colors. How to Use
Gesso? Gesso should not be applied directly.
Applying it directly can make it difficult for
you to spread it. It should be mixed well with
some water and have a fine consistency. Also, if
gesso or any other thick paint is applied
directly on the canvas, you might end up with an
empty jar of acrylic color, soon. So, just to be
economical, always mix a decent amount of water
in your gesso (also in other colors) before
using it on the canvas. Now that you know the
importance of gesso paint and how to use it, we
believe you would use it wisely. Always remember
to pick a gesso that suits your budget and it is
not necessary that as a beginner you invest in
it. Visit Reliance Fine Arts online store, and
pick the best and most affordable gesso for
yourself. Other than paints for canvas, you can
also get your hands on other art supplies like
brushes, acrylic colors, water-soluble paper for
painting, and more.