Title: FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
1FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
2FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100 Week 1
Economic Concepts Worksheet FP 100 Week 2 Time
Value of Money, Opportunity Cost, and Income
Taxes Worksheet
3FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 1 Economic Concepts Worksheet For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100
Week 1 Economic Concepts Worksheet In this
assignment, you explain key economic concepts,
both foundational and behavioral, and describe
how those concepts influence financial decisions.
4FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 1 Personal Monthly Budget For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100 Week
1 Personal Monthly Budget
5FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 2 Time Value of Money, Opportunity
Cost, and Income Taxes Worksheet For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100 Week
2 Time Value of Mo
6FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 3 Education Funding and Job Expenses
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP
100 Week 3 Education Funding and Job Expenses For
this assignment, you will use the Personal
Financial Workbook from Week 1. In Week 1, you
used the Week 1-Personal Monthly Budget tab.
For this week, you will use the Week 3-Education
Funding tab and Week 3-Job Expenses tab. If
you made any adjustments to your Week 1 budget
after receiving feedback and grades, please use
that version of the workbook. This is important
because some calculations
7FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 3 The Cost of Credit Card Usage
Worksheet For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com FP 100 Week 3 The Cost of Credit Card
Usage Worksheet
8FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 4 Credit History Worksheet For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100 Week
4 Credit History Worksheet What are the factors
affecting credit history and credit scores
9FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 4 Homes Renting and Buying Worksheet
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP
100 Week 4 Homes Renting and Buying
Worksheet Home ownershipis it still a part of
your American dream? Are you a home owner or do
you plan on being one? What are the pros and cons
10FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 5 Investment Planning Proposal (2
Papers) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
11FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
FP 100 Week 5 Retirement Planning Worksheet For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com FP 100
Week 5 Retirement Planning Worksheet Thinking
about retiring? How will you manage it? Use this
opportunity to plan ahead and complete the
Retirement Planning Worksheet w
12FP 100 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com