Title: Automation and Robot Readiness on Precihole Machines (1)
1Precihole Machines Tools
- Efficiency, Productivity and Continuity are on
top of every machine shop managers mind today
The fatigue endured by a human worker during a
days work in loading unloading parts on
machines, moving
2Efficiency, Productivity and Continuity are on
top of every machine shop managers mind today.
The fatigue endured by a human worker during a
days work in loading unloading parts on
machines, moving material around the shop,
lifting heavy parts can cause chronic body
Use of robotics and automation in shops really
assists in ensuring that factories produce parts
continually and consistently without interruption
making our country less dependent on imports.
3Precihole provides all the interfacing and
interlocks needed to communicate with a myriad of
robot brands like Fanuc, Mitsubishi, ABB, Kuka,
Yaskawa etc.
Robotic pick and place automation solution for
a complete cell of high-volume production of gun
barrels for firearm manufacturing that includes
the use of auto door opening and closing feature
and electronic interfacing. Robotic automation
for line transfer of parts on a Skiving and
Roller burnishing machine for automotive parts
and hydraulic cylinders. Conveyor or Walking
Beam Automation for gun drilling of a wide
variety of transmission, input, gear and other
shafts in the Automotive industry.
4 Gantry style automation with fuzzy logic and AI
for deep hole drilling of steel billets in
seamless manufacturing of stainless-steel tubes
used in the Oil Gas industry. Completely
automated transfer line of 24 machines for
Hydraulic Steering Assembly. The Robotics and
automation features provided on Preciholes
machines are robust, well-designed and capable of
enduring constant wear and tear. Innovation,
creative engineering and keeping up with the
latest technology like IoT 4.0 compliance ensures
that Precihole provides the best value in their
solutions for over 150 applications spread across
10 different industries.
5Precihole Machine Tools produces a complete line
of machines for Gun Drilling, BTA Drilling,
Boring, Trepanning and Skiving Roller
Precihole Machines Tools Pvt. Ltd
Address- 524 Bhoomi Industrial Estate,Pimpalghar
Ranjnoli, Bhiwandi - Kalyan Road, Bhiwandi
Dist.Thane 421311, Maharashtra, India
Subcontract (91)-9167240368 (91)-9167240382
Machine (91)-9321305480 (91)-7498019135Emai
l sales_at_precihole.com