Title: How to Write a Press Release That Gets Noticed
1How to Write a Press Release That Gets Noticed
- By
- Albuquerque News
- Times
2What Makes Press Release Important?
Every Public Relations specialist needs to master
the art of writing a Press Release
- Some Believe that Press Release is no longer
Relevant, However, they continue to be
anĀ Integral part of any Marketing Strategy.
- Writing a Quality Press Release that the media
picks up and the Public engages with is a
Specialized and Acquired Skill
- The Public has Immediate Access to an
Organizations News Announcements Through News
Distribution Services
4Start with a Relevant, Newsworthy Topic
Ask Yourself These 2 Questions
- Why will the audience care about this story?
- Is this story relevant to my target audience?
5Grab The Audience with a Good Headline
- Use Interesting Adjectives
6Keep It Short
A Press Release Should give just Enough
Information to Grab the Readers Attention and
Make them Want to find out more
7Show withMultimedia
- Include Videos, Photos, Infographics and PDFs
8 9Contact www.albuquerquenewstimes.com
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For More Tips on How to Write a Press Release ,
Kindly contact us at www.albuquerquenewstimes.com
- Get in Touch here,
- Skype Name - Aleen Taylor
- Skype Id- livecid.c3a23935c5ecb5e0
- Whatsapp - 919212306116
- Email - contact_at_pressreleasepower.com
- Mobile - 1 646 204 3425