Title: BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
1BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
2BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 All Assignments For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com  BUS 511 Week
1 Creating Business Strategies and Goals BUS 511
Week 2 Assessing and Revising Organizational
Design BUS 511 Week 3 Implementing Employee
Performance Strategies
3BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 1 Creating Business Strategies and
Goals For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511 Week 1
Creating Business Strategies and Goals Purpose of
Assignment This assignment is designed to
translate mission, vision, and value statements
into measurable strategy goals for a
business. Assignment Steps Write a minimum
1,050-word analysis of an organization of your
choice (your own organization or one you are
familiar with) that includes the
following Create or revise the mission statement
and vision statement for this organization.
4BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 2 Assessing and Revising
Organizational Design For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511 Week 2
Assessing and Revising Organizational
Design Purpose of Assignment This assignment is
designed to analyze and revise the organization
chart of a functional department in a business
organization. Assignment Steps Analyze and reviseÂ
the organizational design of your own company (or
a company you are familiar with) assuming that it
will double in size in twelve months.
5BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 3 Implementing Employee Performance
Strategies For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511 Week 3
Implementing Employee Performance
Strategies Purpose of Assignment This assignment
is designed to construct an employee performance
evaluation chart and to challenge students to
analyze supply and demand issues in a specific
business scenario.Â
6BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 4 Assess and Apply the Four
Functions of Management For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511
Week 4 Assess and Apply the Four Functions of
Management Purpose of Assignment This assignment
will help students assess the importance of the
four functions of management and how they apply
in a practical way to the business environment.Â
7BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 4 Integrate Stakeholder Analysis
with Business Planning For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com    BUS 511
Week 4 Integrate Stakeholder Analysis with
Business Planning Purpose of Assignment This
assignment is designed to help students evaluate
the relative importance of different stakeholders
in an organization and their impact on an
organizations business strategy. Stakeholders
are any entities, internal or external, which can
affect an organization or be affected by the
8BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 5 Designing Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511 Week 5
Designing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),
Consumer Rights and Ethics Strategies in the
Business Environment Purpose of Assignment This
assignment allows students to explore social
responsibility, consumer rights, and business
ethics by recommending specific strategies for a
business organization.
9BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 6 Developing a Business Contract
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.co
m   BUS 511 Week 6 Developing a Business
Contract Purpose of Assignment This assignment
is designed to help students develop a vendor
contract. Assignment Steps Your company has a
new vendor which will provide data backups,
software updates, and technical support. Write a
minimum 350-word basic vendor contract including
the following An offer
10BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com
BUS 511 Week 6 Developing Securities and Privacy
Strategies (5 Pages) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com   BUS 511 Week 6
Developing Securities and Privacy Strategies Â
11BUS 511 Success Is a Tradition/newtonhelp.com