Title: CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
1CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
2CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
CIS 498 Week 2 Project Deliverable 1 Project Plan
Inception For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com Project Deliverable 1 Project Plan
Inception Due Week 2 and worth 50 points This
assignment consists of two (2) sections a
project introduction and a Gantt chart or project
plan.You must submit both sections as separate
files for the completion of this
assignment. Label each file name according to the
section of the assignment for which it is
written. Additionally, you may create and / or
assume all necessary assumptions
3CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
CIS 498 Week 4 Project Deliverable 2 Business
Requirement and Gantt Chart For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 4 Project
Deliverable 2 Submission Click the link above to
submit your assignment. Students, please view the
"Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment" in the
Student Center.
4CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
CIS 498 Week 6 Project Deliverable 3 Database and
Programming Design and Gantt Chart For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week 6
Project Deliverable 3 Submission Click the link
above to submit your assignment. Students, please
view the "Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment"
in the Student C
5CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
CIS 498 Week 8 Project Deliverable 4
Infrastructure and Security and Gantt Chart For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com an open
source alternative, such as Open Project, to
6CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
CIS 498 Week 10 Project Deliverable 5 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This
assignment consists of three (3) sections a
written project plan, a revised Gantt chart or
project plan, and a project plan PowerPoint
7CIS 498 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com