Title: Chidi Ezeobi - An Absolute and Unique Writer
1Chidi E.O.Ezeobi
- An Absolute and Unique Writer
2Chidi Ezeobi was born in Nigeria. He has
completed his early education at Augata High
School in Anambra State, Nigeria. He was fond of
writing from the beginning. After spending a
great section of his life in Nigeria, he migrated
to the United States in 1996 . Later, he went on
to earn his AAS in Business Administration at
Kingsborough Community College, New York. Apart
from it, he has also completed his BSC in
Professional Law at Medgar Evers College in New
York. Excellence was always a standard to measure
his work. Throughout his career, he learned the
nuances of writing. Sooner after learning every
detail and observing what and what not to see, a
great writer was ready to serve theworld.
3Chidi E.O. Ezeobi has written following books
- The Forgotten Princess and The Shark
- Sledgehammer Sentence
- Remind the World Poems from Prison
- UDI and The Animals
4Every book of his beautifully depicts a different
point of view. He firmly believes that there are
different angles to see the world and understand
something new. Being a writer, he feels blessed
to see the world in a different way. Thoughts
like these help him to think differently, and
characteristics like these make him different
from others.
5In his book, Sledgehammer Sentence tells about
a nostalgic feeling when a person is going
through self-isolation. Also, his book, UDI and
the Animals is a story of a pretty lovely girl
who loved jungle animals and found herself
comfortable in between them. She likes to play a
lot with the animals and also used to spend her
time with them. One day she prayed and granted
her wish of understanding the animal language.
After some days, all animal kingdoms accepted UDI
as a member of them. Then she secretly started to
attend the animal meetings in their kingdom,
where they discuss the various problems they
receive from the human. In the end, the
creativity of the author displays a perfect
scenario when all the animal kingdoms were
determined to make a strong move and to fight
back to retake their place on the beautiful
planet earth.
6The qualities that make Chidi Ezeobi a unique and
creative writer are displayed by him in every
book he had written. His books and writings are
filled with optimism and creativity by which he
tries to convey different meaningful and deep
messages to the readers. His ideology of
describing a story with different and unique
ideas gives a new direction to deal with any
situation independently and positively.
7Thank You