Title: 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
15 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
2Energy is essential in this sleep-deprived,
high-speed, modern world. Here are 5 simple ways
to recharge your batteries and increase
productivity and energy levels. If your energy
reserves are running low, consider implementing a
few of these recommendations over the next few
weeks and see how you feel
3Optimize Your Sleep
Getting the right amount and quality of sleep is
critical to staying energized, mange stress,
accelerate learning and memory recall. Eliminate
as much light as possible from your bedroom as
light interferes with the bodys circadian rhythm
thereby interfering with sleep. Also keep a
cooler temperature, ideally below 20 degrees
4Get Your Body Moving
Implement at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise
at least 4 times a week. By expending energy on a
regular basis, you actually boost your energy
levels. Do it regularly but do not push yourself
to the point of exhaustion.
5Slow Down And Do Less
Evaluate your to-do lists and list down your
priorities. Get rid of the less important items.
Schedule leisure time for yourself. Stress from
any source is an energy zapper, and will have an
adverse impact on your general health.
Eat meals over snacks
By maintaining a real food approach with
quality nutrients to your body, to increase your
long-term energy levels. Focus on protein, good
healthy fats, high-fibre vegetables and nuts into
your diet to maintain balanced blood sugar
levels, and keep insulin low
6Cut Out Energy Zappers From Your Diet
Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause plummeting
energy levels. Decrease or cut out refined sugars
from your diet. Caffeine intake should also be
limited to the mornings. Overuse of caffeine
especially in the afternoons will lower energy
levels after they give you an initial kick. Its
what we call fake energy there are 5 other
ways you can increase your energy without any
external substance or food. Its not rocket
science, and as with all our success clients who
work with their personal trainer here at Aspire
in Bangkok. And our international coaching
lifestyle clients we work with all over the
world. Its about doing the simple things right
more consistently. Or what we call the 95/5.
Focus on the 5 of FUNDAMENTAL systems that give
you 95 of the result.