Title: Los Angeles Diagnostics
1Business Name
Los Angeles Diagnostics
Address 1125 N Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA
90029 Phone (323) 486-7502 Business
Email info_at_nationwidemri.com
Website https//www.nationwidemri.com/ "Los
Angeles Diagnostics is the number one choice for
cash MRIs in Los Angeles and Southern
California. Our state board-certified doctors
offer hassle-free, professional imaging at
prices you can afford, whether you have insurance
coverage or not. From the moment you walk
through our doors, youll feel right at home in
our comfortable waiting room and with our
friendly and knowledgeable staff. Were here to
help you through every step of the MRI
process. Were proud to offer same-day MRI Los
Angeles services for your convenience, with
imaging results within 24 hours. Your health is
our priority and we work hard to ensure you get
the care you need quickly and with the respect
and compassion you deserve." Keywords MRI Scan
At Los Angeles, CA . Chiropractic MRI At Los
Angeles, CA. At Los Angeles, CA General Doctors
MRI Hour "Mon - Fri 9am-7pmSat-Sun 10am-6pm "