Title: Timing Attack in Vehicular Network
1VANET Security Research Group (VSRG)
Timing Attack in Vehicular Network
- Introduction
- VANET Applications and Time Requirements
- Delay Types in VANET
- Possible Timing Attack in VANET Problem due to
Timing Attack Conclusion and Future Work - References
- QA
- Vehicular ad-hoc network is a special kind of
network in which nodes (Vehicles) can communicate
with each other on the road and with its
4VANET Applications
- Safety Applications
- Non Safety Applications
Work Zone Warning!!!
Work Zone Warning!!!
Work in Progress Plz! use Alt. route
Shopping MALL ( TESCO )
Parking Slot Available!!!
Parking Slot Available!!!
5VANET Applications and Time Requirements
- In safety message, time and contents of the
message are both important. Right information
must be received the users in right time, this is
basic requirement of the safety applications. - Warning applications provide information about
warning messages and these messages are time
critical and its importance is also high for
safety of human life. - If an attacker creates delay in it then it could
result in very serious tragedy on the road and
many accidents may occur due to this.
6Delay Types in VANET
- Congestion Delay
- High mobility of vehicle, dynamic topology and
high rate of vehicles on road are the reasons for
increasing number of issues of congestion in
VANET. - Large numbers of vehicles on road and each
vehicle sending, receiving safety and non safety
messages, may consequently result in the network
becoming overloaded and congested. - Routing Delay
- There are many routing protocols that are used
for sending messages from source to destination
by using of different hops. - A-STAR, MDDV, VADD and DGRP are some of routing
protocol has the drawback of generating maximum
delay while sending packet from source to
destination. Edge Node Based Greedy Routing
Algorithm (EBGR) protocol has been proposed to
mitigate this issue by reducing packet
transmission delay in VANET.
7Possible Timing Attack in VANET
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Timing Attack
Basic Level Attack
(a) Before Peer to Peer (P2P) timing Attack
(b) After Peer to Peer (P2P) timing Attack
8Possible Timing Attack in VANET
- Extended Level Attack
- In extended level attack more than one user would
be affected due to timing attack. - attacker launches timing attack using a multicast
technique in which attacker targets a specific
group of vehicles.
9Timing attack in Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I)
- Case One Timing Attack for Authentication
(a) Timing Attack for authentication
(b) Timing Attack for authentication
10Case Two Timing Attack for Taking Services
- Timing attack for taking services from different
11Problem due to Timing Attack
- Data Redundancy
- In timing attacks, the users receive multiple
copies of same message in different time slots,
which pose data redundancy issues. - t2.L2 gt t1.L1 (1)
- Security is one of the key challenges in
vehicular network. - In this paper we have discussed some issues
related to timing attack on vehicular network.
This is newly address problem and need attention
to researcher to provide solution. - In future work we will some possible solution may
be based on digital signature and trusted
platform module (TPM) to maintain the integrity
of the messages in vehicular network and overcome
timing attacks.
13Thank you..