Title: The GP Clinic London
1- Personal Bespoke Healthcare Services
2 Services
- Consultations
- Hotel/Home Visit GP
- Phone/Skype
- Investigations
- Referrals
- Health Screening
- Sexual Health Screening
- Vaccinations and Travel Clinic
- Second Opinion
- Paediatric Consultations
- Embassy Medical Services
- Occupational Health Services
3Health Screening Preventative Medicine
Health screening is an important part of our
practice. The essence is to identify disease
before a patient starts developing symptoms. If
we can diagnose conditions early they are often
more treatable through lifestyle modification,
medication or surgery thereby leading to
improved health outcomes.
Click below for more detailed information
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Colorectal Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Osteoporosis
- Biological Age / Telomere Testing
- Pharmacogenomic Testing
4Vaccinations And Travel Clinic
Being up to date with vaccinations is an
important aspect of minimizing the risk of
developing certain conditions. We offer a full
range of vaccinations. Please contact us for
further details.
For more details please click the links below. A
short consultation is required to be booked for
vaccinations at each visit. The short
consultation fee of 110 is additional to the
vaccine prices listed below.
- Chickenpox
- Cholera
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- HPV Vaccine in Males
- Meningitis
- Rabies
- Tetanus
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever
5Hotel/Home Visit GP
The GP Clinic London can organize a private
doctor to visit you at a hotel, your home or
place at work. This means you can get the same
high quality service of an experienced GP
visiting you at a convenient location of your
choice. This service is ideal if you are feeling
too unwell to visit the practice.
During a visit we can perform a thorough
consultation and prescribe or dispense medication
as required. We also have inject able medication
(for pain relief and anti-sickness etc) that we
can administer when appropriate.
Many investigations can be performed during a
home / hotel visit, including blood tests, urine
tests and swabs. Furthermore, we can refer you
for imaging investigations such as X-rays,
Ultrasounds and MRIs.
We have close working relationships with expert
consultants across a full range of specialties
and connections with Londons best private
hospitals. So whether you are in need of a
further specialist consultation or a hospital
admission, it can all be arranged smoothly during
your visit.
6Get in Touch Us Here
Address- 25 Harley street, London W1G
9QW Email- thegpcliniclondon_at_gmail.com Website-
www.thegpcliniclondon.com Phone- 0207 118 1816