Goal Planning with ESG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Goal Planning with ESG


To choose between investing & sustainable investing for achieving your financial goals has now become convenient via Quantum India ESG Equity Fund. ESG methodology can generate risk adjusted returns and helps you invest in companies which are sustainable in nature. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Goal Planning with ESG

Panel Discussion on Asset Classes of Equity, Debt
Gold Speakers Sorbh Gupta Fund Manager,
Equity Chirag Mehta Sr. Fund Manager,
Alternative Investments December 17, 2020
ESG Investing at Inflection Point
About Quantum Mutual Fund
  • Quantum Mutual fund was established in 2006 with
    the launch of the Quantum Long Term Equity Value
  • Quantum Mutual Fund was the 29th, but Indias 1st
    Fund house that started with a focus on a Low
    Cost Approach for investors
  • Simple range of funds No confusion for investors
  • Disciplined Research and Investment Process
    Team-driven, no star fund managers
  • Staying the course, no short cuts Asset
    Managers, not Asset Gatherers
  • Quantum MF AUM Rs.1,850 Cr. as on 31st
    December 2020
  • Number of Folios 71,099 as on 31st December 2020

This is one of the Fastest Growing Investment
Approach Globally
Data Source 1) https//www.unpri.org/pri/about-th
e-pri 2) Global Sustainable Investment Review 2016
Please note that the above information is for
explanation purposes only. The information
provided here is not meant to be considered as
investment advice/ recommendation to invest.
Please seek independent professional advice and
arrive at an informed investment decision before
making any investments.
Top-League Funds gradually moving their Portfolio
into the Fastest Growing Investment Opportunity
Institution Total AUM
Blackrock 5.3 Trillion
California Pensions Fund 401 Bn
California Teachers' Retirement Fund 253 Bn
Allianz EUR 505 Bn
Norges Bank 1 Trillion
T-Rowe Price EUR 1 Trillion
Institution Total AUM
Investec EUR 121 Bn
Natixis 988 Bn
The Children's Fund 27 Bn
Hermes Investment Management 392 Bn
Nordea EUR 235 Bn
Swedish Pension EUR 442 Bn
  • Since its founding in 2006, the United Nations
    dedicated International Organization to promote
    this investment approach has attracted support
    from more than 3,100 signatories representing
    over 110 trillion in assets under management as
    of 2020.
  • 25 trillion (some 25 of all funds)
    institutional investment is now branded under
    this fastest growing investment theme.

Please note that the above information is for
explanation purposes only. The information
provided here is not meant to be considered as
investment advice/ recommendation to invest.
Please seek independent professional advice and
arrive at an informed investment decision before
making any investments. Data Source 1)
https//www.unpri.org/pri/about-the-pri 2) Global
Sustainable Investment Review 2016 3) IPE
A Spark Becomes Mainstream?
Please note that the above information is for
explanation purposes only. The information
provided here is not meant to be considered as
investment advice/ recommendation to invest.
Please seek independent professional advice and
arrive at an informed investment decision before
making any investments.
ESG Investment becoming Mainstream Accompanied by
Active Shareholder Interventions
ESG Based Indices
Regulators in a number of Jurisdictions are
Mandating Asset Owners to Focus more on ESG
  • United Kingdom Pensions Regulator published a
    new Code that encourages trustees to take into
    account risks that affect the long-term
    sustainability of investments
  • South Africa 2011 Amendment to the Pension Funds
    Act states that Prudent investing should give
    appropriate consideration to environmental,
    social and governance factors
  • EU agreement on sustainable investment disclosure
    framework EU Taxonomy
  • Institutions required to integrate ESG into their
    portfolios and disclose in a consistent way how
    they invest
  • Investment managers, insurers and advisors to
    inform plan participants how their activities are
    impacting the environment
  • India SEBI introduced Stewardship Code in July
    2020 Introducing new format for Business
    Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting.

Source 1) https//www.oecd.org/finance/Investment
-Governance-Integration-ESG-Factors.pdf 2)
Pensions and Investments Online
Negative News gets Easily Highlighted on Social
  • Without social media, social, ethical,
    environmental ills would have minimal visibility.
    Increased visibility of issues has shifted the
    balance of power from the hands of governments
    and corporates to the masses.

Greater emphasis on ESG factors, which play out
over a long horizon, may provide a counterweight
to the constant pressure on companies to maximize
near-term earnings
Gradual Evolution from a Stockholder to a
  • The mandate to maximize short-term shareholder
    value or Quarterly Capitalism has driven a deep
    wedge between business and society
  • CEOs have little reason to think about the
    social and environmental consequences of their
    actions. And the result whether in oil spills
    or credit derivatives brings devastation far
    beyond the company's own shareholders
  • The long term success of any company depends on
    the health and wellbeing of its employees,
    customers, and the communities in which it

Quarterly capitalism is short-term, myopic,
greedy and dysfunctional

-Will Hutton, British economist
What is ESG?
ESG Buzz words or Better Investments?
  • Sustainability
  • Responsible Investing
  • Impact Investing
  • Clean Investing
  • Societal Impact
  • Fiduciary Duties

What is ESG Investing?
Replacing the question how much return? with
how much sustainable return?
  • Climate Change
  • GHG Emissions
  • Water Stewardship
  • Renewable Energy
  • Waste Management
  • Green Buildings
  • Labor Practices
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Stakeholders opposition
  • Product Liability
  • Privacy and Data Security
  • Minority shareholder treatment
  • Board Independence
  • Executive Compensation
  • Corruption
  • Business ethics and frauds

Generic term given to non financial factors that
can have a material impact on firm valuation
E for Environment
Data Source 1) https//www.businesstoday.in/curre
8085.html 2) Census of India 3) World Resources
Institute 4) BP IEA 5) https//www.wri.org/blog/
mitters-and-how-theyve-changed 6)
ion-levels-air-delhi-health 5) Niti Aayog Report
S for Social
Data Source 1) https//www.businesstoday.in/curre
8085.html 2) Census of India 3) World Resources
Institute 4) BP IEA 5) https//www.wri.org/blog/
mitters-and-how-theyve-changed 6)
ion-levels-air-delhi-health 7)https//www.mapsofi
G for Governance
as per filings in the MCA 21 registry
India Could Adversely Impact Global Emissions

increase in GHG emissions attributed to India
Note Global GHG emissions (2017) at 59,526 mn
tonnes CO2e
If Indias per capita emissions (2.7 tns /
person) reach the levels of China (8.2) and USA
(18.4), global CO2 emissions are estimated to
increase by 12.5 and 35.4, respectively
(assuming no change in emissions for other
Without Adequate Investments, India undoes the
difficult Carbon Cuts that other Nations plan to
bring to the table
Note Global GHG emissions (2018) at 55.3 bn
tonnes CO2e
Economic Growth is not enough to Sustain
Societies Planet
  • India is 5th most vulnerable to climate change
    risk Environmental Think Tank Germanwatch
  • India ranked 108th out of 153 on gender equality
    World Bank Global Gender Gap Index 2020
  • India ranks 77th in global bribery risk matrix
    out of 194 countries - TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix
  • India is among the 10 worst countries for working
    people - International Trade Union Confederation
    (ITUC) Global Rights Index

Opportunities exist for Companies to change as
India adopts higher ESG standards
  • Indias commitments on UN Sustainable Development
    Goals (SDGs) and COP21 likely to push companies
    to achieve higher ESG standards.
  • The Companies Act 2013 introduced critical
    changes on corporate governance including board
    diversity and independence, conflicts of interest
    and rights of minority shareholders.
  • SEBI has tightened the Listing Agreement.
  • Business Responsibility Report mandated for top
    1,000 listed companies currently under revision.
  • Evidence of more assertiveness by shareholders
  • National Guidelines on Responsible Business
    Conduct, 2019
  • CSR expenditure of 2 of profit mandated under
    the Companies Act 2013.
  • Indias Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
    under the Paris Accord commits it to reduce the
    carbon intensity of its GDP by 33-35 by 2030
    over 2005 levels.
  • Target of 175GW of renewables capacity by 2022,
    40 of total generation capacity by 2030.
  • Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme
    introduced for energy intensive industries.
  • Bharat Stage VI auto emission norms implemented
    in April 2020.
  • Extended producer responsibility mandated under E
    Waste Management Rules 2016.
  • Plastics Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018.

Call for Collaborative Action
Most Investment Strategies Focus Primarily on
Governance How Founders and Managements
treat Minority Shareholders?
But what aboutEmployees,Society,the Land,
Water, Air around the Factories?
The Triple Bottom-LinePlanet People Profit
Evidence of Stock Price Reaction to Negative News
Stock News Issue Date Share price drop on NSE
JK Bank Investigations against the former chairman following allegations that he offered loans worth crores to people recommended by politicians, placed his relatives in plum positions, and for even diverting funds meant for the banks corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative Governance June -19 20 in 1 day
Sun Pharma A whistleblower email claims Sun Pharma promoter Dilip Shanghvi and his brother-in-law engaged in financial irregularities with stock market scam accused Dharmesh Doshi Governance Dec-18 26 in 2 months
Manpasand Beverages Deloitte resigned as statutory auditor before Q4 results saying in a letter to the board that the company didnt provide significant information. Governance May -18 40 in 2 days
Vakrangee Company came under the SEBI scanner for alleged price and volume manipulation of its own scrip on the BSE Governance Feb-18 48 in 5 days
Vedanta Government rejected Vedantas bauxite mining plans in Niyamgiri Social Environment Jan-14 66 in 2 years
Satyam Computer Services Chairman confessed to accounting fraud to the tune of ?7,000 crore and to falsifying revenues, margins and cash balances of the company.   One of the largest accounting frauds, which raised serious questions on Indias corporate governance standards as well as the credibility of auditors. Governance Jan-09 78 in 1 day
Stocks referred above are illustrative and not
recommendation of Quantum Mutual Fund/AMC. The
Fund may or may not have any present or future
positions in these Stocks. The above information
of stocks which is already available in
publically access media for information and
illustrative purpose only and not an endorsement
/ views / opinion of Quantum Mutual Fund /AMC.
The above information should not be constructed
as research report or recommendation to buy or
sell of any stocks.
Positive Correlation between Sustainability
A Positive Correlation Between Sustainability
Economic Profitability
Percentage of studies showing Data Source
Oxford report From stockholder to stakeholder
based on more than 200 academic studies (March
Sustainability and Pro?tability are Complementary
and Compatible
As on December 31, 2020. Data Source MSCI
Indexes supplied by MSCI Inc, and MSCI ESG
Indexes supplied by MSCI ESG Research Inc, a
subsidiary of MSCI Inc. Past Performance may or
may not be sustained in future. Please note that
the above information is for explanation purposes
only. The information provided here is not meant
to be considered as investment advice/
recommendation to invest. Please seek
independent professional advice and arrive at an
informed investment decision before making any
The ESG index outperformed the traditional Equity
index over the period and has also protected
downside risk better.
Sustainability and Pro?tability are Complementary
and Compatible

Annual Performance () Annual Performance () Annual Performance () Annual Performance ()
Year Nifty 100 ESG Index Nifty 100 Index /-
2020 22.8 16.0 6.9
2019 12.0 11.4 0.6
2018 6.1 3.4 2.7
2017 33.2 32.8 0.4
2016 4.3 4.7 -0.4
2015 -0.8 -1.3 0.5
2014 34.3 34.8 -0.5
2013 10.0 7.0 3.0
2012 34.6 32.3 2.3
As on December 31, 2020. Data Source Bloomberg,
LLP, Data is from 2011 as Base Date for NIFTY100
ESG Index is April 2011. Past Performance may or
may not be sustained in future. Please note that
the above information is for explanation purposes
only. The information provided here is not meant
to be considered as investment advice/
recommendation to invest. Please seek independent
professional advice and arrive at an informed
investment decision before making any investments.
Nifty 100 ESG Index outperforms Nifty Index and
protects downside risk better
From Integrity Screen in 1996 to E, S, G
  • 1996 Introduced the Integrity Screen ? Avoided
    corporates that treated minority investors
    unfairly sin stocks -gt Focus predominantly on
    G and to a certain extent on S factors
  • 2015 Formalized a process of rating companies on
    their ESG performance
  • Proprietary rating methodology
  • Internal research team
  • Current database 140 companies rated on their
    ESG performance
  • 2019 Launched Quantum India ESG Fund with
    portfolio construction based on proprietary ESG

ESG is more about Identifying Opportunities
ESG Proves its Mettle amidst Crisis
Sustainability Initiatives
  • 39 of energy produced from renewable sources
    (WHRS solar)
  • 23.5 use of alternative raw material
  • All plants comply with zero liquid discharge
  • Use of air cooled condensers to conserve water
  • Contracts with suppliers include clauses on ES

Data Source Bloomberg, LLP Past Performance may
or may not be sustained in future.
Stocks referred above are illustrative and not
recommendation of Quantum Mutual Fund/AMC. The
Fund may or may not have any present or future
positions in these Stocks. The above information
of stocks which is already available in
publically access media for information and
illustrative purpose only and not an endorsement
/ views / opinion of Quantum Mutual Fund /AMC.
The above information should not be constructed
as research report or recommendation to buy or
sell of any stocks. Past Performance may or may
not be sustained in future.
ESG Indices Versus Equity Indices
MSCI India ESG Leaders Index NIFTY 100 ESG Index NIFTY Index BSE 200 Index MSCI India Index
Returns Since 2011 36.2 30.5 25.2 24.7 22.9
Annualized SD 27.2 26.5 28.0 26.5 27.5
VAR -45.0 -43.7 -46.2 -43.7 -45.3
Sharpe Ratio 1.1126 0.9281 0.6913 0.7095 0.6195
Drawdown -35.0 -36.9 -37.9 -37.8 -38.3
As on December 31, 2020. Data Source Bloomberg,
LLP Data is from 2011 as Base Date for NIFTY100
ESG Index is April 2011 Past Performance may or
may not be sustained in future.
  • Less volatile
  • Sustainable Profitability
  • Higher returns over long duration
  • Lower downside risk

What is our Idea? Delivering Long term Value from
Quantums ESG Approach
  • Our analysis is guided by the materiality of the
  • Governance sits at the heart of our analysis
  • Typically focus on areas such as capital
    allocation, board composition, quality of
    disclosures and treatment of minority
  • Shortcomings go hand in hand with poor
    performance on the social and environmental
    fronts, making it a good proxy for wider problems
  • Identify companies that can act as long term
    stewards of capital

Approach to ESG Evaluation
Scoring system
Data Sources
Proprietary research (Blended Approach)
  • Sustainability reports (GRI Framework)
  • Business Responsibility Reports (BRR) and annual
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
  • Pollution Control Board Filings
  • Industry associations (WBCSD, WRI)
  • News reports
  • Management interaction

Company disclosures (30 weight) Companies are
evaluated on their levels of disclosures provided
in their sustainability reports / business
responsibility reports / annual reports.
Companies with higher disclosures get higher
  • Company disclosures
  • Binary scoring systems 1 for disclosure, 0 for
    non disclosure
  • Scores standardized from 0 (minimum) to 100
  • Qualitative factors
  • Negative scoring system Dependent on relative
    performance v/s peers or v/s national / global
  • Penalty for ESG non compliance
  • Scores standardized from 0 (maximum) to -100
  • Qualitative factors
  • (70 weight)
  • Evaluate companies on their ESG performance
    relative to their peers on material ESG aspects.
  • Check for any past violations / red flags of
    certain ES metrics and corporate governance
  • Consolidated score
  • Ranges from 30 (maximum to -70 (minimum)

More Than Desk ESG Research
Stock Selection Process Driven by our Proprietary
ESG Scores
Investors get exposure to broad basket of ESG
compliant companies which in the long run is
expected to outperform conventional market indices
40-60 stocks
Companies gt ESG score of 0 qualify for inclusion
in the portfolio. Allocation is based on the ESG
score of the company, with guardrails around
Index sector ranges
gt 125 stocks
Based on Quantums proprietary research
methodology, companies within the coverage
universe are ranked on their ESG performance. The
evaluation process consists of a blend of
quantitative and qualitative factors. Assign
scores -70 to 30
Addressable universe with avg daily traded value
of gt 1 mn
450 stocks
Number of stocks mentioned are as per current
average trading volume value criteria and ESG
criteria. The number of Stock in trading volume
criteria, ESG criteria and in portfolio will be
changed from time to time based on Investment
Strategy of the scheme.
Please refer Scheme Information Document of the
Scheme for complete Investment Strategy
Portfolio Construction, using our Proprietary ESG
For Research
Not included in the Portfolio
Investment Criteria / Sector guardrails
Please refer Scheme Information Document of the
Scheme for complete Investment Strategy
ESG What Will You Own?
  • ESG determined stock selection is Value Agnostic
    Most stock indexes are Value agnostic as well
  • ESG weighing provides exposure to Quality and Low
    volatility factors
  • ESG generally tends to do well in down markets
  • ESG focus help avoid tail risks
  • ESG endeavors to deliver long term risk adjusted

ESG Investing Truly Works in Real Sense
Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund
Mr. Chirag Mehta Work experience 18 years. Ms.
Sneha Joshi Work experience 8 years. Both have
been managing the fund since July 12, 2019.
Fund Manager
Category of Scheme
Thematic Scheme.
Offers an avenue to invest in businesses adhering
to sustainable practices that will drive
long term performance. Invests based on a
comprehensive in-house proprietary research on
Environment, Social and Governance
aspects. Offers a well-diversified exposure to
good quality and sustainable companies with
relatively low volatility and downside risk.
Useful for
Long term capital appreciation.
Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund
(Direct Plan) Since Inception (July 2019)
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
future. This graph should be reviewed in
conjunction with detailed performance of the
scheme provided on slide number 44
Since inception, QESG based on absolute return
has outperformed by 1.54 against the benchmark
Nifty 100 ESG Index.
Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund -
Direct Plan The Scheme is managed by Mr. Chirag
Mehta and Ms. Sneha Joshi. Mr. Chirag Mehta is
the Fund Manager effective from July 12, 2019.
Ms. Sneha Joshi is the Associate Fund Manager
effective from July 12, 2019
Period   Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period
Period   Benchmark Additional Benchmark Benchmark Additional Benchmark
Period   Scheme Returns () NIFTY 100 ESG TRI () SP BSE Sensex TRI () Scheme (Rs) NIFTY 100 ESG TRI (Rs) SP BSE Sensex TRI (Rs)
1 year 25.72 22.89 17.11 12,580 12,296 11,716
Since Inception (12th July 2019) 21.36 19.82 16.55 13,310 13,061 12,537
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Data as of 31st December 2020 Load is
not taken into consideration in scheme returns
calculation Different Plans shall have different
expense structure. The Schemes has been in
existence for more than 1 year but has not yet
completed 3 and 5 years period. Returns are net
of total expenses and calculated on the basis of
Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR). For
performance of other Schemes Managed by Mr.
Chirag Mehta please see slide number 51 52
Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund
Regular Plan The Scheme is managed by Mr. Chirag
Mehta and Ms. Sneha Joshi. Mr. Chirag Mehta is
the Fund Manager effective from July 12, 2019.
Ms. Sneha Joshi is the Associate Fund Manager
effective from July 12, 2019
Period   Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period Current Value of 10,000 Invested at the beginning of a given period
Period   Benchmark Additional Benchmark Benchmark Additional Benchmark
Period   Scheme Returns () NIFTY 100 ESG TRI () SP BSE Sensex TRI () Scheme (Rs) NIFTY 100 ESG TRI (Rs) SP BSE Sensex TRI (Rs)
1 year 24.95 22.89 17.11 12,502 12,296 11,716
Since Inception (12th July 2019) 20.62 19.82 16.55 13,190 13,061 12,537
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Data as of 31st December 2020 Load is
not taken into consideration in scheme returns
calculation Different Plans shall have different
expense structure. The Schemes has been in
existence for more than 1 year but has not yet
completed 3 and 5 years period. Returns are net
of total expenses and calculated on the basis of
Compounded Annualized Growth Rate(CAGR). For
performance of other Schemes Managed by Mr.
Chirag Mehta please see slide number 51 52
Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund
Scheme Name Annualised Standard Deviation VaR Sharpe Ratio Drawdown
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund 21.8 -42.7 0.6786 -33.2
NIFTY100 ESG TRI 26.3 -51.6 0.5310 -36.9
NIFTY TRI 27.8 -54.4 0.3847 -37.9
Bse-30 TRI 27.2 -53.4 0.3391 -38.3
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Data as of 31st December 2020
Diversified Portfolio !
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund is classified as a
thematic fund. However, for all practical
purposes, the fund is a well diversified
portfolio across market caps and across sectors
Company Top 10 Holding (Weight )
Infosys Ltd 5.19
HDFC Ltd 4.72
TCS Ltd 4.47
Wipro Ltd 4.13
HDFC Bank Ltd 3.80
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd 3.33
Tata Consumer Products Ltd 3.28
Marico Ltd 3.11
Tata Motors Ltd 2.86
Tata Communications Ltd 2.86
Total Weight of Top 10 Allocation 37.75
Sector Weight Nifty 100 ESG Index Weight
Information Technology 18.72 19.42
Materials 15.15 7.50
Consumer Discretionary 16.39 13.33
Financials 17.17 30.98
Consumer Staples 14.01 4.79
Communication Services 3.45 2.66
Energy 3.58 9.62
Industrials 3.79 4.37
Health Care 2.78 5.97
Utilities 1.25 1.36
Source Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt
Ltd As of December 31, 2020
Stocks referred above are for illustrative
purpose only and not recommendation of Quantum
Mutual Fund / AMC. The Fund may or may not have
any present or future positions in these stocks.
The above information should not be constructed
as research report or recommendation to buy or
sell of any stocks.
Portfolio Characteristics QESG versus BSE-30 TRI
Weighted dividend yield 1.20 1.14
Weighted EPS Growth March 2023E 29.10 28.14
PEG Ratio (excludes cash) 0.72 0.63
T12M PE 39.5x 32.1x
Weightage of stocks with PER lt 20 83 88
Weightage of stocks with PER gt 20 17 12
Weightage of stocks with PER gt 30 49 52
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
future. Source Quantum Asset Management Company
Pvt Ltd As of December 31, 2020
Quantums Equity Allocation Suggestion
  • For diversification across funds and across
    styles, Quantum suggests,

Please seek independent professional advice and
arrive at an informed investment decision before
making any investments.
Investing Money Making a Difference You
Shouldn't Have to Pick Between the Two
Other Schemes managed by Mr. Chirag Mehta
Quantum Equity Fund of Funds Mr. Chirag Mehta is
the Fund Manager effective from November 01, 2013.
Period 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years 5 Years 5 Years
  Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns ()
Quantum Equity Fund of Funds Regular Plan (Gr) 13.58 17.87 5.09 9.45 NA NA
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Load is not taken into consideration
in Scheme Return Calculation. Data as of 31st
December,2020. SP BSE 200 TRI Returns are net
of total expenses and are calculated on the basis
of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
Different Plans shall have different expense
structure. Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 schemes of
the Quantum Mutual Fund. Regular Plan Launched on
April 01, 2017 and has not completed 5 years
since inception
Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds Mr. Chirag
Mehta Co-managing along with Mr. Nilesh Shetty
effective from July 11, 2012.
Period 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years 5 Years 5 Years
  Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns ()
Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds Regular Plan (Gr) 13.10 18.81 8.37 13.75 NA NA
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Load is not taken into consideration
in Scheme Return Calculation. Data as of 31st
December 2020. Indicates CRISIL Composite Bond
Fund Index (40) SP BSE SENSEX Total Return
Index (40) Domestic price of Gold (20). It is
a customized index and it is rebalanced daily
Returns are net of total expenses and are
calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized
Growth Rate (CAGR). Different plans shall have
different expense structure. Mr. Chirag Mehta
manages 5 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund. Mr.
Nilesh Shetty manages 2 schemes of the Quantum
Mutual Fund. With effect from 1st January 2020,
the name of Quantum Multi Asset Fund has been
changed to Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds.
Regular Plan Launched on April 01, 2017 and has
not completed 5 years since inception. .
Other Schemes managed by Mr. Chirag Mehta
Quantum Gold Fund Mr. Chirag Mehta is managing
the scheme effective from May 1, 2009. Ms. Ghazal
Jain is co-managing the scheme effective from
June 2, 2020
Period 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years 5 Years 5 Years
  Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns ()
Quantum Gold Fund (Gr) 26.15 27.39 18.28 19.46 13.45 14.62
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Domestic Price of Gold. Data as of
31st December, 2020 Returns are net of total
expenses and are calculated on the basis of
Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR). Mr.
Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Ghazal
Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual
Fund. The Scheme being Exchange Traded Fund has
one plan to invest through stock exchange and
having a single expense structure
Quantum Gold Savings Fund Mr. Chirag Mehta is
managing the scheme effective from May 19, 2011.
Ms. Ghazal Jain is co-managing the scheme
effective from June 2, 2020
Period 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years 5 Years 5 Years
  Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns () Scheme Returns () Benchmark Returns ()
Quantum Gold Savings Fund Regular Plan (Gr) 26.27 27.39 18.13 19.46 NA NA
Past performance may or may not be sustained in
the future. Domestic Price of Gold. Data as of
31st December , 2020 Returns are net of total
expenses and are calculated on the basis of
Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).
Different Plans shall have different expense
structure. Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and
Ms. Ghazal Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum
Mutual Fund. Regular Plan Launched on April 01,
2017 and has not completed 5 years since
Product Label
Product Label
Product Label
Disclaimer Terms of Use
The data in this presentation are meant for
general reading purpose only and are not meant to
serve as a professional guide/investment advice
for the readers. This presentation has been
prepared on the basis of publicly available
information, internally developed data and other
sources believed to be reliable. Whilst no action
has been suggested or offered based upon the
information provided herein, due care has been
taken to endeavor that the facts are accurate and
reasonable as on date. Quantum AMC shall make
modifications and alterations to the performance
and related data from time to time as may be
required as per SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations.
Readers are advised to seek independent
professional advice and arrive at an informed
investment decision before making any investment.
None of the Sponsors, the Investment Manager, the
Trustee, their respective Directors, Employees,
Affiliates or Representatives shall be liable for
any direct, indirect, special, incidental,
consequential, punitive or exemplary damages,
including lost profits arising in any way from
the data/information/opinions contained in this
presentation. The Quantum AMC shall make
modifications and alterations to the performance
and related data from time to time as may be
required. Please visit www.QuantumMF.com to
read scheme specific risk factors. Investors in
the Scheme are not being offered a guaranteed or
assured rate of return and there can be no
assurance that the schemes objective will be
achieved and the NAV of the scheme may go up and
down depending upon the factors and forces
affecting securities market. Investment in mutual
fund units involves investment risk such as
trading volumes, settlement risk, liquidity risk,
default risk including possible loss of capital.
Past performance of the sponsor / AMC / Mutual
Fund does not indicate the future performance of
the Scheme. Statutory Details Quantum Mutual
Fund (the Fund) has been constituted as a Trust
under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. Sponsor
Quantum Advisors Private Limited. (liability of
Sponsor limited to Rs. 1,00,000/-). Trustee
Quantum Trustee Company Private Limited.
Investment Manager Quantum Asset Management
Company Private Limited. The Sponsor, Trustee and
Investment Manager are incorporated under the
Companies Act, 1956. Mutual fund investments
are subject to market risks, read all scheme
related documents carefully.
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