Title: Back, Neck and Spine Pain Specialist Chicago
1Metropolitan Institute of Pain
The team at the Metropolitan Institute of Pain in
Chicago specializes in treating back and spine
conditions. Our specialists focus on your
individual requirements for a more thorough
treatment method that meets your needs.
Phone (312) 757-4647
2Did you know that back pain is the most common
reason patients visit their doctors office in
the United States? There can be many causes for
back pain, but with the right back and spine pain
management, you can increase your comfort and
reduce your reliance on medications.
Back Spine Conditions
3Learn About Spinal Stenosis in Chicago
The narrowing of the spinal canal can lead to
pressure on your nerves, causing a condition
known as spinal stenosis. The healthy spinal
column allows nerves to travel through the nerve
canals without restriction, but when spinal
stenosis occurs, tissues and bones can grow over
the vertebrae to reduce the space that surrounds
the nerves.
4Spine Specialist Chicago
While there are certain things you can do to
minimize your lower back pain, such as lay down
comfortably or take a hot bath, these are not
treating the cause of the pain. You can gain
temporary relief from using these methods, but
the only way to get rid of low back pain for good
is to seek treatment from a professional back
pain doctor.
5Our state-of-the-art facility offers a
comfortable place for you to heal. Our procedures
use the most innovative technologies to reduce
pain more effectively. Turn to the Metropolitan
Institute of Pain if you are looking for Spine
pain treatment in Chicago.
Neck and Spine Pain Doctor in Chicago
6Neck pain can be caused by injuries, muscle
strains, cervical nerve compression, worn joints
or even certain diseases. Certain aspects of your
lifestyle or occupation mean that you may be more
susceptible to neck pain.
Effective Treatment for Neck Pain
7Millions of people across the U.S. suffer from
neck pain each and every day. Neck pain may be an
acute condition as the result of an injury or
strain, or it may be a chronic problem that can
severely affect your quality of life.
Neck Pain Doctor Chicago
Address 820 W JACKSON BLVD,
Phone (312) 757-4647
Email info_at_mipainchicago.com
Website https//mipainchicago.com/
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