Title: Welcome To Custoarmor
1Welcome To Bimsolutions
2About Us
BIM Solutions rings the top quality and error
free 2D shop drawings and 3D modeling services
for the engineers, retailers, fabricators,
contractors, homebuilders and architects. We
strive hard to maintain quality at the top level
with every CAD and CAM services that we provide.
The construction documents we provider are
already tested under the virtual environment to
prove to its efficiency.
3Offshore bim team
The best offshore BIM team is all set to bring a
great help for you. As the leading offshore BIM
team, we strive hard to save time and money for
our clients. These works must be outsourced and
this is where the offshore BIM team can bring
great assistance for you.
414 Vu Tung Street, Ward 2, Binh Thanh
District City-Ho Chi Minh 700000 Viet Nam Phone
No. (84).969.135.113 Email
info_at_bimsolutions.vn Website https//bimsolution