Title: Paid Press Release(2)
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2Paid Press Release
OM MOBILE - 919212306116
3What Is Press Release
- ? A press release is a tool made to announce
something that is newsworthy in the most
objective way possible. The whole purpose of a
press release is to get coverage and get noticed
by a target audience.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
4What Press Release Do
? Press Release are the most cost-effective way
of building awareness about your business and
what you do. Press Release have more credibility
than paid advertising because they are regarded
as news and are often delivered by means of a
third party that is a newspaper , creating the
impression of an endorsement.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
5Press Release Distribution
We submit your press release writing to suitable
online Press Release directories and to various
channels. To all major news search engines like
Google news and yahoo news, and social media
platforms like Facebook, Instagram. The press is
distributed to different blogs.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
6How to Distribute The Press Release
? Now that you have understood the pattern of
writing a press release, lets discuss the last
step of the entire process press release
distribution. You can pitch your press release
directly to the journalists/editors however, you
must never spam their inbox. After pitching the
press release, all you can do is wait for it to
get picked up. ? Well, there is another option in
hand you can avail of services from press
release distribution agencies. Such agencies
distribute their clients press releases to
popular media outlets, depending upon the
industry and target region of the business.
Companies like Issue wire offer press release
distribution as well as writing services, taking
care of all the aspects of an organizations press
release campaigns.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
7Press Release Writing Services
Press releases are written in order to explain
your customers, partners, vendors, and
shareholders about the absolute latest
developments, events or activities regarding
your business. They portray the positive phases
of your company and help in building a sense of
trust and credibility in the minds of
prospective consumers and stimulating confidence
in those who may want to invest in your business.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
8Video Press Release Services
A video press release involves the senses in a
way that text-only press releases cant. Its a
recorded video version of the same information
but with sound and imagery bringing it to life.
Media experts have found that over half of
viewers take further action after exposure to an
online news video. Thats quite an impact, and
its one that many types of businesses
increasingly are taking advantage of.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
9Benefits of Press Release Distribution Cost-
Effective Paid Press Release Services
? All organizations can profit by press release
dispersion. ? Public statement conveyance is
genuinely modest. ? You can support your
organization's permeability. ? Press releases can
set up you as an industry master. ? A best paid
press release distribution can spread far and
wide. ? Utilize your news to get more
clients. ? Financial specialists stay aware of
the news as well.
Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com
10Contact Us
? Skype - shalabh.mishra ? Telegram -
shalabhmishra ? Whatsapp - 919212306116 ? Email
- shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com ? Mobile -
919212306116, 8860646116
11Email - shalabh.mishra_at_gmail.com