Title: Positive Expiratory Pressure exerciser
1What is a positive expiratory pressure exerciser
and how it works? A brief
This article will let people know how positive
expiratory exerciser work and who should and
should not use the device. It will be helpful for
patients who suffer from chronic lungs disease.
2Why is airway clearance important?
In many chronic lung conditions, there is a
build-up of the secretions in the airway. These
build-ups are sticky and can get stuck in the
airway, creating a blockage in the air
passage. This creates a thrivable environment
for bacteria to multiply. Daily use of PEPE
devices will keep a check of the bacteria to grow
as mucus will be removed.
3What are the benefits of airway clearance
Mucus restricts air from freely flowing into and
out of the lungs. It contributes to wheezing,
coughing and shortness of breath in people. The
exerciser can help to prevent complications of
respiratory diseases.
4How to use the device?
The device helps to clear the mucus, by sending
vibrations in the airway to loosen up the mucus
and secretions from the airway wall. The increase
in pressure helps to keep the airway open during
exhalation so that mucus does not get trapped.
The rapid exhalation helps to push the mucus up
so it can be easily coughed out.
5Positive Expiratory Pressure exerciser
Mucus clearance and secretion are important for
airway integrity and pulmonary defense. When the
mucus is not cleared, it makes breathing
difficult. It might lead to infection and damage
the lungs. The session should last between 5 to
15 minutes. The positive expiratory pressure
exerciser does not apply to the following
patients suffering from the following ? Acute
heart failure ? Severe Tuberculosis ? Cou
ghing up blood or haemoptysis
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