Title: Wadia Hospitals completes nine decade of philanthropic healthcare
1Wadia Hospitals completes nine decade of
philanthropic healthcare
2About Ness Wadia hospital
- Wadia Group entered healthcare with Nowrosjee
Wadia Maternity Hospital in 1926 and later, in
1928, opened Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for
3About Ness Wadia hospital
- In the last 90 years though a lot has changed,
one thing that has not and will never change is
the philanthropy and the philosophy, said Nusli
Wadia, chairman at Mumbais Wadia Group, at a
ceremony held in the city.
4(No Transcript)
5In the last 90 years though a lot has changed,
one thing that has not and will never change is
the philanthropy and the philosophy, said Nusli
Wadia, chairman at Mumbais Wadia Group, at a
ceremony held in the city.
6Our hospitals which are well equipped with
state-of-the-art facilities have managed to
assist millions of patients in the last nine
decades. Its the trust that the hospitals have
built over the years which brings in patients
from almost every corner of the country, noted
Dr Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO of Wadia Hospitals.
This is a major milestone in the history of
Wadia Hospitals and a testimony of the fact that
no contribution is big or small its the effort
and the intention that matters, Ness Wadia,
managind director, Wadia Group, pointed out.