Title: Ways To Plan Your Study Space
1Ways To Plan Your Study Space
Finding a comfortable spot to study in, or
arranging your room to provide for a good study
environment can be the key factor in determining
your focus levels, or means of distraction. A
well-planned study environment is very important
improving results in terms of motivation,
attention, retention of information, and
dedication towards studying. When you are able
to build study spot in the house and create a
good learning space with the use of the right
furnishings, it turns out in to a study haven. Be
it a spot in your room or a room in your house
keep in mind these few things while building
your learning nest.
3Personalize Your Space
- Put up posters or post it notes with motivational
quotes, add some study facts on the pin board,
stick pictures of places you wish to travel, or
map out your study plan. - Decorate your place with things that will
motivate you to do better, provide some learning
material or act as reminders, and use colors
that soothe or appeal to you. Making that space
your own will make it an extremely comfortable
spot to study in
4Organize Your Space
- Make sure your study material is marked and kept
in order. All papers are filed and marked in
order, the files on your computer are in order,
plan a study chart and divide your time wisely.
A clean space provides less distraction, and
easy access to material and an organized use of
time promotes efficiency, and effectiveness of
5Get Yourself Comfortable
Studying on the bed is futile, youll find
yourself drifting away. Build your study space
around a desk and an extremely comfortable
chair. Also find a spot with good lighting
(natural lighting, and a good lamp). Get a chair
that isnt too bulky and allows for easy
6Block All Distraction
Find a space that is away from noisy areas,
for e.g. stay away from the television room, and
the kitchen. Keep your phone at bay, and
disconnect from social networking sites, video
games, and other distractive material.
7Stay Equipped
Before sitting down to study, make sure all your
study material and supplies are in place, and
easily available. This means it should be in
close enough proximity that you should not be
required to get up from the desk.
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