Title: flortek
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3Garage Coating Ontario
If you are looking for garage coating services in
Ontario, then Flortek Co. is a right spot.
Flortek has specialized team for garage floor
coating or update to another surface around your
home or business.
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5 Traffic Coating Ontario
Flortek Co. is specialized traffic coating
company in Ontario. We provides commercial and
industrial traffic coating services at an
affordable cost. At Flortek Co., our staff is
highly trained and experienced in the
restoration, removal or repair of existing
traffic coatings as well.
6Epoxy Flooring Ontario
Are you looking for epoxy flooring sevices in
Ontario ? Then it would be better to hire a
professional and trained technician to install
the epoxy. Flortek Co. is rightway for you.
Flortek Co. is canadas best flooring solution
7Contact Details
Mobile 63 915 358 1702
E-MAIL info_at_flortek.ca
Visit Our Website www.flortek.ca/