Title: Why we are More than a Monitor
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2At Legal Angels, we provide a safe and fun
environment for children to thrive during a
divorce and custody battle. We strive to be the
company that is in the best interest of the
children. We have developed a streamlined
process, that provides safety, efficiency, and a
lawful, non-biased approach that you wont get
everywhere. If you have left the courthouse and
the judge in your divorce proceedings has ordered
Professional Supervised visits. Where do you
go? This is a relatively new industry but either
way, what exactly is supervised visits?
Supervised visitation, sometimes referred to
as Monitored Visitation, Supervised Child Access,
or Supervised Child Contact, refers to contact
between a non-custodial parent and one or more
children in the presence of a third person
responsible for observing and seeking to ensure
the safety of those involved. Supervised visit
services are for families with children who are
involved in high-risk emotional or physical
situations. The supervised visitation Provider
offers a safe and protected environment to
control external influences of stress on the
3We know both parties are upset, but you have a
court order that must be upheld. So this is what
you do download our app in Apple https//apps.
6956273 Fill out the information and a monitor
in your area that is experienced and vetted
legally to do the right thing for your case will
call you. An intake will be set up and you will
be on your way to doing what is right in the
courts eyes and for your little Angels. Or
you could be so upset at the ruling and fight it,
but that will not get you to the final
destination. I have seen hundreds of clients
fight the position they are in and make it twice
as difficult. They sit in the resentment of the
other party and they dwell on it. The ones that I
see that dont have visits for long are the ones
that accept where they are and do the exact
directions for the court. The ones that are
monitored for years are those that fight it. They
refuse to do what they have to do to get out of
the system. Whether you deserve it or not- We
dont judge. We are just there to make the most
of your visits. so just get through it. I have
turned so many people around and taught them and
the kids the necessary tools and ways to
co-parent through this hard family time.
4On that note I am going to tell you what a
monitor is NOT! A monitor is not your babysitter,
we report to the court, so it really is in your
best interest to be decent to us. We are not a
therapist, a mailman of spousal support, a
process server to serve the other party nor are
we to get involved with your case. Not only do we
have the right to terminate you, we then have to
tell the court and lawyers and worse of all Your
Ex. So, at Legal Angels we have taken years of
experience and mistakes and have a system.
Intake, Visits, reports and court days can all be
done on the App with a connection of a highly
skilled, trained and vetted professional monitor
that is fingerprinted and has an extensive
background check. Any questions call us at
818-960-5075 ask for AnnMarie the CEO and
founder. Article Resource - https//www.legalang