Title: ryotasssociates (1)
1Ryot Associates is a tax consultant company in
Coimbatore. We assist start-ups in handling the
legal thinks of the company. We offers GST
Registration, business registration, compliance
filing other supporting services.
2Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Goods Services Tax (GST) is an Indirect tax
applied in India to bring uniformity in the
Indirect tax structure. It subsumed all the taxes
like VAT, Service Tax, Excise duty, additional
customs duty, etc. which existed before GST
regime. - Ryot Associate provides GST registration in
Coimbatore services.
3People Liable for GST Registration
- Input service distributor agent of a supplier.
- Person who supply goods from one state to other
state is required to get GST Registration. - Person who are all registered in service tax or
VAT or central excise existed before GST. - Suppliers whose annual turnover is greater than
Rs.40 lakh and service providers whose annual
turnover is greater than Rs.20 lakh.
4Composition Scheme For Small Taxpayers
- To reduce the compliance burden for small
Taxpayers, Government introduced Composition
scheme. Taxpayers whose annual Turnover is up to
Rs. 1.5 crore can opt for Composition scheme.
5Visit us https//www.ryot.co.in/gst-registration-
coimbatore Call us 91 - 7871-7871-58 Email Id
ryotassociates_at_gmail.com Address No. 18, Lal
Bhathur colony, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641 004
6Thank you...