Title: Teeth Grinding Madness: Exploring a Harmful TikTok Trend
Exploring a Harmful TikTok Trend
2Kids will be kids, right? They often make silly
or goofy mistakes that can be easily remedied.
3But what about when a new trend appears in online
culture that leads to lifelong dental problems
and costly procedures? If that sounds a little
too scary to be true, think again!
4TikTok -- a popular app that allows its users to
make funny videos and memes to share with friends
has come under fire with users partaking in a
harmful dental trend.
5Nail Filing Your Teeth
6Many that have partaken in the trend have claimed
they're unhappy with the visual appearance of
their teeth.
7One user, _at_MiaDio, said, "I'm going to file my
teeth down because they are not perfect," before
grinding her enamel away with a nail file.
8She then goes on to show that her teeth are, in
fact, straight. But this raises an interesting
question what kind of dental damage are TikTok
users causing by engaging in this activity?
9The Role of Enamel
10To understand why this behavior is dangerous, we
must first explore the role that enamel plays on
our smile.
11Did you know that enamel -- the outermost layer
of the tooth -- cannot be regenerated or
restored once destroyed?
12Filing one's enamel also causes dental issues
years down the road. When the structural
integrity of the enamel diminishes, the entire
tooth becomes more sensitive and prone to
13Experiences such as cavities, discoloration,
cracking, fracture lines and sensitivity to hot
and cold substances are on the horizon.
14The Correct Approach to Dental Imperfections
15Do you have uneven, crooked teeth that leave you
feeling dissatisfied? If so, filing them down
to match your surrounding teeth is not the
treatment for you!
16Instead, realize that filing your teeth can lead
to the need for fillings, crowns, caps and
cosmetic treatments to return your teeth to
17If this doesn't sound like fun, don't
participate in the TikTok filing challenge.
18Instead, set up an appointment with us for a
consultation, so we can tell you what options
are available for your needs.
19Hive-Mind Behavior
20Remember when you were a child and an adult asked
you if you would jump off of a bridge if you saw
your friends doing it?
21Although you may have jokingly replied 'yes' to
their question, this type of mentality can be
seen within the TikTok community.
22At Noble Dental Care, we want you to enjoy your
life, laugh with your friends and make memories
on TikTok that don't require future dental work.
23Do you want to be the person that has lifelong
issues with their teeth on account of a random
internet meme?
24If you have any dental-related questions, or if
you have participated in the teeth-filing TikTok
challenge, we want to hear from you!
25We can repair any damage and have you smiling in
no time!
26Noble Dental Care is a family oriented dental
care clinic with dentists that care about you
and your health.
27Give us the opportunity to give you the smile of
your dreams. Call us for an appointment at
(480) 820-3515.
28(No Transcript)