Title: David Golembiowski - Possesses Exceptional Organizational Skills
1David Golembiowski
- Former Police Officer, Port Authority of New York
New Jersey Former U.S. Customs Senior
Inspector, United States Customs Service
2(No Transcript)
3David Golembiowski worked as a police officer for
nearly 16 years. He is one of the top pitching
and fielding instructors on Long Island, NY and
he earned this role due to his excellent
knowledge of the game.
4David Golembiowski (New York) has unrestricted
experiences with the general public. Furthermore,
he testified all of his tasks to his seniors. He
is a great police officer acknowledged for his
comprehensive list of endeavors in terms of
implementing the laws.
5David Golembiowski (New York) is a known
professional for taking numerous ingenuities and
has beyond description interviewing skills. These
skills have helped him in conducting different
interviews and recorded statements from suspects.
He is renowned for providing the maximum levels
of uprightness, inspiration, inventiveness,
assiduousness, and determination to get his
desired objectives. He has fulfilled different
duties of a police officer.
6David Golembiowski employed different techniques
that helped him in employing all State Penal and
Traffic laws for New York plus New Jersey. He is
recognized for having personal, team management,
and observational skills.
- Find out more about him at his official site