Title: Phil Monkress - Possesses Exceptional Organizational Skills
1Phil Monkress
CEO/President, All Points Logistics CEO,
Ulterliner, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Phil Monkress is a result-driven, dedicated,
methodically detail-focused and determined
professional with representative work ethic. He
is known for offering the highest levels of
truthfulness, initiative, ingenuity, diligence,
and persistence to achieve goals.
4Phil Monkress is renowned for developing sundry
benchmarked spreadsheets. He also played a vital
role in developing pricing model used as model
for other vendors in USDA by the Kansas City USDA
procurement office. He is an unmatched strategic
Planner with the potential to understand business
landscape and market position to maximize revenue.
5Phil Monkress (All Points) also played a great
role in the development of an unmatched analysis
process of Market Strategy and Request for
Proposal. This technique helps in highlighting
and focusing on what is important in the area of
compliance and response. He is a pro in terms of
team building, motivation, and staff development.
He is also committed to constant learning and
professional growth.
6Phil Monkress uncompromisingly seeks new training
chances. In addition to it, he has well-improved
analytical and problem-solving skills that were
further enhanced by organizational and planning
Find out more about him at his official site