Title: How Scroll Heatmap Data Visualization Help?
Real-Time Data Visualization
2According to a study, 65 of people learn
better through visuals than text.
That is where heatmaps come in handy!
3What is Heatmap
Heatmap is a way to visually analyze the data
that your website provides, in a color- coded
scheme graphically to get insights into your
visitors actions on your website.
4Tool for website conversions.
It helps you to know how your visitors behave
with your website and to know what works for
your website what does not.
5Attain maximum efficiency.
Attaining the ideal length of the page Ensuring
Call To Action (CTA) Buttons working for your
audience Ensuring easier navigability throughout
your website Identifying maximum hyperlinking
6Heatmaps help you visualize data in real- time.
Real-Time Data Visualization through heatmaps
basically refers to data that is frequently
updated without any lag.
7Updated version of the interaction.
Heatmap tracks every movement that your user
makes and shows you a real- time updated version
of the interaction of your user with your
8Different types of Heatmaps for data
Different types of data visualization using
different types of Heatmaps.
9Scroll heatmap
data visualization.
A scroll map helps you provide data to
understand each and every section of your
webpage that is scrolled by the user.
10Click heatmaps data visualization
A click map helps you provide data to understand
the clicks on your webpage.
11Mouse tracking heatmaps data visualization
A mouse tracking map helps you provide data on
the basis of your users mouse movement on your
It gives you data such as the sections where the
users mouse hovers the most and least on your
12Eye-tracking heatmaps data visualization
Eye-tracking provides you heatmap data
visualization on how the visitors eye travels
throughout your webpage.
13While designing website, you need to set a
goals as to what is the purpose of website and
based on that select the Heatmap.
14Heatmaps act as a great guide for you to
understand what works on your website and what
does not what CTAs work the best.
Enhance your users experience.
15For more, get in touch with us
91-9015-316-316 www.notifyvisitors.com