Title: Registration and layer stacking using ENVI software
1- Registration and layer stacking using ENVI
software -
- by
- Universiti Putra Malaysia
2Introduction to RazakSAT
- RazakSAT is Malaysia's remote sensing
satellite launched from Kwajalein Atoll, an
island located in the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, U.S.A. on July 14, 2009 using a Falcon 1
launcher developed by SpaceX. RazakSAT is a small
Low Equatorial Orbit (LEO) and carries the
electro-optical payload of a Medium-sized
Aperture Camera (MAC) - a pushbroom camera with 5
linear detectors (1 panchromatic, 4
3Fig. RazakSAT
4List of Countries Covered by RazakSAT
5RazakSAT bands
- RazakSAT has visible and near infrared
wavelength (VNIR), including four multispectral
bands from 450nm 890nm and one panchromatic band
from 510nm to 730nm. Its ground pixel resolution
is 5m for multispectral bands and 2.5m for
panchromatic band. At 685km nominal altitude, the
image swath width for MAC is 20km. It provides a
high number of passes (14 times per day over
6As we can see here, the data loaded in RGB
composition but all three bands could not match
or display correctly.
8(No Transcript)
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101- Spectral subsetting
11Band 1 Band2
Band3 Band4
13what is registration?
- Registration is referencing images to geographic
coordinates and/or correcting them to match base
image geometry
14Base (reference)
Image Warp Image
15Registration methods in ENVI software
- Image-to-Image Ground Control Points .
- Image-to-Map Ground Control Points .
- Automatically Co register Images .
- Warp from GCPs Image-to-Image.
- Warp from GCPs Image-to-Map.
16Warping ,ENVI offers three warping methods and
1. RST. 2.Polynomial.3.Delaunay triangulation
Re sampling ,ENVI offers three methods 1.
nearest neighbour2. bilinear.3. cubic
17 Nearest neighbour as a resample method used
RST as a warp method used
- RST Rotation, scaling, and translation this is
the simplest method. To perform RST warping, you
need three or more GCPs. The RST warping
algorithm uses an affine transformationx a1
a2X a3Yy b1 b2X b3Y
18Image-to-Map Ground Control Points for band 1
base on Google earth
19Base on band1 (band2,3,4) had warped using
Image-to-Image Ground Control Points
20 4- layer stacking
21Layer stacking parameters and map projection
22Layer stacking band 1, 2, 3
23The second image is from layer stacking using
Automatically Co-register Images composition 1,2,3
24Thank you