Title: BTSN
Music Teachers Jeff Ward General
Music jjward_at_fcps.edu Felix Polendey General
Music fapolendey_at_fcps.edu Kay OBanner
Band kfobanner_at_fcps.edu Robert Salzberg-
Strings rcsalzberg_at_fcps.edu Â
General Music Instruction at Poplar
Tree Students in Grades K-3 receive General
Music instruction two or three times a week for
30 minutes. Students in 4th Grade receive
General Music instruction twice a week for 45
minutes. 4th Graders also have the option of
choosing to participate in Strings for 45 minutes
once a week. Students in 5th and 6th Grade
receive General Music instruction once or twice a
week for 45 minutes. 5th and 6th graders also
have the option of participating in Band or
Strings once a week for 45 minutes.
Poplar Tree
2Kindergarten Music At Poplar Tree,
Kindergarteners access the FCPS Program of
Studies by learning using the First Steps in
Music program created by educator John
Feierabend. The First Steps in Music curriculum
is designed to prepare children to become musical
in three ways 1. Tuneful to have tunes in
their heads and learn to coordinate their voices
to sing those tunes. 2. Beatful to feel the
pulse of music and how that pulse is grouped in
either 2s or 3s. 3. Artful to be moved by music
in the many ways music can elicit a feelingful
response. The First Steps in Music curriculum is
based on an extensive survey of research related
to the development of singing and movement skills
in young children, as well as many years of
practical experience sharing musical activities
with this younger age.
The Kodály Method At Poplar Tree, students in
grades 1 6 access the FCPS Program of Studies
through a structured sequence of musical
activities based on the teaching philosophy of
Hungarian composer and educator Zoltán Kodály.
With the method, children learn the basic
musical elements solfege, rhythm, hand signs,
memory development, singing, instrumental skills,
movement, and more. Because the music education
is already rooted in the culture they are
immersed in, learning can occur both in the
classroom and at home, with family. Early Kodály
music education for children has countless
benefits. Â Â
Important Dates 5th Grade Chorus (All 5th
Graders) Wednesday, December 11 630
PM Panther Singers (select 5th and 6th
Graders) Wednesday, March 25 630 PM 6th Grade
Musical Showcase (All 6th Graders) Dress
Rehearsal Tuesday, April 28th, 130 500
PM Evening Show Wednesday, April 29th, 630
PM Daytime Show Thursday, April 30th, 900 AM Â