Title: Best MakeMy Trip Clone Script - SCRIPTSTORE.IN
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2Make My Trip Clone, Online Hotel Booking Script
3This document is prepared by Scriptstore.in , to
give you an idea of how our MakeMy Trip Clone
features is an innovative alternative to online
users. This document is prepared by DOD IT
Solutions, to give you an idea of how our MAKE
MY TRIP HOTEL CLONE SCRIPT features would be.
4Our Hotel Clone Script is completely in built and
has automated modules which are specific for
online travel business. Online web based enefits
of hotel room reservation process, create more
sale leads and track customers, and most of
all,You can analyze reservation trend details
and work towards your future needs.
- Print the hotel detail and send email
- Hotel details send by Email
- Hoteldetails Send by SMS
- Cancel the ticket and send email
- Enter the account number and view refund status
- Affiliate Model
- Multiple Payment Options
- Custom booking inquiry
- Powerful admin circle
- Cross browser compatibility
- Different ROOM BOOKING gallery
- Video gallery
- Ticket/Inventory availability
- Real Time Pricing
- Real Time Booking/Reservation
- Online Cancellation/Refund
- Booking Amendments
- Travel Advisory Services
- Destination Management
- White Label Solutions
Address No .79, Ramakrishna Nagar, Kallukuzhi,
Tiruchirappalli 620020, Tamilnadu . Mail
support_at_doditsolutions.in , info_at_doditsolutions.co
m Mobile 91 7339131505 , 043http//scriptstore
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