Title: Jon Sibley Huntington Beach - An Angle Investor
1Jon Sibley Huntington Beach
2Senior Director at Quid
Jon Sibley Huntington Beach has served as a
Senior Director at Quid where he led sales staff
in New York, San Francisco and London. Jon
Sibley, MBA, is an angel investor and venture
capitalist in the competitive fintech sector.
3Educational Background
Jon Sibley of Huntington Beach received a
Master's of Business Administration from the
University of Southern California Marshall. Jon
lives in LA and is working to expand his career
in finance.
4San Francisco's Olympic Club
As a member of San Francisco's Olympic Club, Jon
Sibley Huntington Beach volunteered at the
Olympic Club Foundation. Based in Huntington
Beach, he also enjoys swimming and basketball and
participates in both sports on a regular basis.
5Volunteers in the Community
Financier Jon Sibley Huntington Beach loves
finance and helping clients learn how to invest.
However, he also volunteers in the community when
he can. The Huntington Beach, CA, resident has
traveled abroad and lived in Australia at two
different times.
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