Title: Short Biography of Jolene Woleben
1Short Biography ofJolene Woleben
2A Great Psychologist
Jolene Woleben is working as a school
psychologist and she relishes the chance she has
to make a positive impact in the lives of
troubled children. Jolene Woleben hopes to
continue working in this niche for many years to
come as she doesn't believe there's another job
that she would find as rewarding as the one she
3 Member of National Association
Jolene Woleben is a school psychologist and has
been a member of both the National Association of
School Psychologists and the New York Association
of School Psychologists since 2007.
4Good Helper and Adviser
Jolene Woleben is passionate about being an
advocate for her students' well-being and
needs.Jolene Woleben also has an active role in
helping the families of children in need and
helps them learn techniques to support each other.
5Accomplished Runner
Jolene Woleben is an accomplished runner. She has
taken part in countless 5k, 10k, and local half
marathons. She has run the Wineglass Half
Marathon many times now and is hoping to complete
a full marathon in the future.
6 Huge Supporter of Girls
Jolene Woleben is a huge supporter of Girls on
the Run as it incorporates her love of keeping
fit and running with her passion for teaching
girls a variety of prosocial skills that will
ensure they go far in life.
7 Visit to Know More
8Thank You
Jolene Woleben