Title: The art and science of recruitment marketing
1Why is Recruitment Marketing Automation the
future of hiring?
The market now is more candidates driven rather
than being business centric. Finding top talent
is becoming more difficult with each passing day
and retaining the current employees is nothing
less than hiring new ones. When a large company
posts a job opening on a job portal, it attracts
a plethora of applications, even from candidates
who do not meet the specifications of the
opening. It becomes nearly impossible for the
recruiters to handle the sheer volume of the
applications, making the recruitment process
lengthier. Data driven approach has become a
common recruitment methodology amongst the
recruiters, where the potential candidates are
treated like customers. The art of recruitment
marketing Right content at the right time needs
to be amplified amongst the candidates, to
attract the best prospects to choose from. Simple
job posts on the job portals, boards are no more
a way to recruit top talent. Potential candidates
do not send out their resumes to all the job
openings that come their way, or hope for the
best to happen to them. They have a wide array of
openings to choose from. The recruiters need to
resort to creative methodologies, like
interacting with the prospects through social
media, websites where the top talent spends time,
amplifying personalized content as per target
2Being creative while recruiting would be
like Reflecting the true culture of the brand on
their website, ensuring the prospects that it is
the right place to work in Amplifying persona
specific content amongst the top talent, to drive
them towards opting for a job switch Having the
current employees make references through their
contacts, having reward policies for the same in
place The science of recruitment marketing Having
a data driven approach while implementing the
recruitment marketing methodology would cover
science in the art and science of recruitment
marketing. Every interaction, campaigns
performance, opportunities are measured through
the use of technology, enabling the recruiters to
make informed decisions. Technology mainly helps
in the pre-employment screenings, where the
prospects are filtered as per specific criteria.
Criteria such as whether they are rightly
qualified for the job, whether they have the
correct temperament as per the job needs and
whether they will be a good choice for the brand
or not.
3Each candidate is treated as an audience of one
by providing them with personalized content
through the help of automation. Real time
conversing methods are used like interacting
through social media, emails that match the most
with the personality of the prospects. Recruitmen
t Marketing is a big change that is currently in
the implementation phase in the recruitment
markets. Just like the consumer marketing
campaigns, the data driven recruitment marketing
approach can be tuned to increasing the ROI. Blog
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