Title: Hair Transplant in Jaipur
1What is Hair Transplant types of hair transplant.
2Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which
the hairless part of the head is transplanted out
of another part of the body. Hair transplant
technique involves most surgeons transplanting
hair from the back of the head to the bald part
of the head.
3Types of hair transplant There are many
methods to perform hair transplantation. Two
methods are most prevalent in the type of hair
transplant, Follicular Unit Transplantation and
second Follicular Unit Extraction. These hairs
are just like natural hair, which you can cut,
color, and keep the hair style you want.
4Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)
Removes 2 cm wide skin from the back of the
head. After this, separate the hair from this and
implant it by piercing with a medicated needle on
the front part of the head, during which, the
skin from which the skin is removed, very fine
stitches are hidden from the new hair coming.
Nowadays, with the help of Trichophytic Closure
Technique, the skin is also attached by stitching
and the scar looks like no.
5Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
In this, with a special type of machine, one
removes the hair from the back of the head along
with the root and implant it by piercing the
front part of the head. In this process, hair can
also be removed from the beard or chest.
The problem of hair loss has occurred to people
of all ages at some time. By the way, there is no
single reason for hair loss but there can be many
reasons for it. For proper advice and better
treatment related to hair loss, consult Dr. Budhi
Prakash Sharma immediately. Dr. Budhi Prakash
Sharma is a well-known hair transplant surgeon
from Jaipur who has been providing his services
at the Cosmo-Hair Clinic for the last 13 years.
6Contact Details 173, Ram Gali Number 2, Raja
Park, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004 096604
50211 cosmohair.jaipur_at_gmail.com