Title: 5 Environments that Need to be Clean and Disinfected
15 Environments that Need to be Clean and
2How Does Smart Fog Clean and Disinfect?
You may be wondering what exactly a Smart Fog
industrial humidifier is and what it has to do
with keeping your environment clean. At Smart
Fog, we have successfully manipulated the
droplets that come out of our humidifiers to be
the smallest in the industry.
3Industrial Humidifiers in Medical Facilities
Medical facilities need to be as clean as
possible. This is important for several reasons.
First, medical facilities contain people who are
healthy and people with infectious diseases
within the same building. For example, you might
go to the ER for a broken wrist but there may be
people in the waiting room with the very
contagious COVID-19.
4Produce Supply Chain
Produce needs to be clean. If bacteria or viruses
get on the produce, it can end up making
customers very sick. From beginning to end, Smart
Fog can provide humidifiers all the way down the
produce supply chain to make sure the environment
is clean and disinfected. We make a fog tunnel
for produce conveyor belts to keep produce clean
as it comes off the farm. Our duct systems work
well in ripening rooms. In addition, we have
created a mobile system that can be used when
produce is being transported via truck. We help
keep the produce environment clean every step of
the way.
5Contact Us
Fog https//www.smartfog.com/ 1-800-921-5230 in
fo_at_smartfog.com https//www.youtube.com/user/smar
6Office Buildings
Office buildings need to be clean. This is
especially true during the global pandemic. While
many people are currently working from home,
there are some people that dont have a choice
and need to go into their office to work. Most
office buildings arent designed to keep
employees apart. Also, office air isnt always
the best.