Title: Main Causes of Automated Headlight Failure in a BMW
1Main Causes of Automated Headlight Failure in a
2BMW cars use automated adaptive headlights to
improve nighttime and low-light driving and
3BMW's headlights are commonly referred to as
adaptive headlights because they can move the
light projector to the left or right reflexively
as you drive.
4This allows the driver to see the part of the
road they're turning towards, helping to reduce
accidents and blind spots.
5Some BMW models take this a step further and use
automated LED headlights, which can change their
brightness when faced with oncoming traffic.
6Causes of Automated Headlight Failure
7There are a variety of factors why your BMW's
automatic headlights may fail.
8Some of the common causes are described below.
9Adaptive Headlight Module
10The adaptive headlight module is found under the
headlight housing.
11The main cause of the failure of the adaptive
headlight module is water.
12This can happen for many reasons, such as driving
through heavy rain or flooding or going through a
car wash.
13Headlight Seal
14Your BMW's headlight access door has a seal to
prevent water from entering the headlight.
15It is important to make sure this seal is secure
after replacing or cleaning a bulb.
16You may also suffer the issues that come from
mixing water and electricity.
17Stepper Motor
18The stepper motor is what turns the beam
projector when you corner.
19It is found inside the headlight and is powered
by a control module found underneath the
20The motor can become worn out. Its connection to
the projector that it controls can also become
21Always consult a professional
22It's best to avoid working on your headlights,
aside from general maintenance such as cleaning
and switching out a bulb.
23Poking around with electronic systems when you're
not sure what you're doing is a recipe for
24You might end up giving yourself an electrical
shock or causing a chain reaction of short
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