Title: Experts in Systematic Land Inventorization and More
Global Navigation
GNSS may seem similar to GPS or Global
Positioning System, but the two are different
from each other. AIOSs GNSS or Global Navigation
Satellite System allows access to a greater
number of satellites from different networks, as
long as you have equipment that is compatible
with this system.
2Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Connection to more satellites means greater
accuracy, even more so in the case of AIOS global
navigation satellite systems. Our results are
precise up to 1 centimetre thanks to RTK, and 5
centimetre throughout the globe no matter how
remote the area is.
3Systematic Land Inventory
We provide a comprehensive solution for land
taxation and inventory purposes. Our systematic
land inventory software and services are filled
with plenty of useful functions that will make
sure you achieve the perfect outcome with great
convenience for all the tasks you perform.
4Our software solutions are designed to give you
the best results and are bound to be more
effective than previous methods. We provide
systematic land inventorization as well as
multiple features like the generation of property
valuation and property tax files for owners
whenever required.
5Security Of Tenure
Whether you require an integrated payment gateway
to collect taxes, complete, detailed reports on
property revenues or a base that provides the
proper means to generate security of tenure, our
land taxation and administration systems and
solutions are capable of assisting you with every