Title: Elliot Maza - Known For Developing Business Plans
1Elliot Maza
President at Intellect Neurosciences, Inc.
Business Officer and Co-Founder at Various Life
Science Companies
2(No Transcript)
3Elliot Maza is known for developing business
plans, including plans for product development
and regulatory pathways. He also assists in
obtaining funding. Elliot Maza served as Interim
and then Chief Executive Officer of Immune
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from May 2017 until August
2018, after serving as a Director since January
4Elliot Maza is a registered attorney and a
licensed C.P.A. (inactive) in the states of New
York and New Jersey. He received a Bachelor of
Science in Accounting from Touro College in New
York and a J.D. from the University of
Pennsylvania Law School.
5Elliot Maza worked at Immune Pharmaceuticals
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ for a year as Chief
Executive Officer and Principal Financial
Officer. While working as a life science
entrepreneur, he joined forces with Strategic
Founders to build strong, cohesive, and
maintainable organizations targeting
endocrinology, urology, neurology, and
dermatology drug markets.
6Elliot Maza served as Board member, interim CEO
and then President, CEO and Principal Financial
Officer of clinical-stage, Biopharmaceutical
Company developing therapeutic agents for the
treatment of immunologic and inflammatory
diseases, including dermatological and
gastroenterological conditions.
Find out more about him at his official site