Title: Malware Scanner
1(No Transcript)
2What Is Malware
Malware is a shorthand term that represents
malicious code or malicious software. Chances are
your first introduction to malware came as an
internet user. You may have noticed that your
computer was beginning to run a little slower,
maybe it started behaving oddly, so you installed
an antivirus program like Ad-aware ..your
computer had been infected with malware. Its
bad when youre on the receiving end, it can be
even worse when your website is the one
distributing it. Obviously you didnt put the
malware there. Rather, hackers and cybercriminals
install malware without your consent by
exploiting security weaknesses on your website.
And once your site has malware, it can be
difficult to detect.
3What Role Malware Scanner Plays
After you purchase it and install it on your
server all you have to do is sit back and let it
inform you of any issues. The Malware Scanner
will perform its duties automatically, once per
day. Upon combing your entire site, it will
generate a report that will instantly notify you
whether there is any malicious code or activity
on your site and, in the event that there is,
will offer step-by-step directions on how to
remove the problem. It scans. It notifies you
of any issues. And it provides you with
instructions to fix those issues
4Wp Mantra
Wp Mantra handle unlimited edits, performance
enhancements, daily health maintenance and
regular security troubleshooting of websites.
Also, bringing WordPress website to its best
performance, fix http error 500, malware removal,
malware scanner, internal server error and also
take care of other technical day to day
operations and hosting solutions.