Title: Dentist in Nashik - Acacia Dental Clinic
1Acacia Dental Clinic
- Acacia Dental Clinic is driven by the guiding
vision of Dr. Mehul Shinde, BDS, MDS to offer a
global standard of dental care to everyone. - Dr. Shinde is a renowned dentist in Nashik who
earned his BDS from Dr. Dy Patil Dental College,
Navi Mumbai and MDS in Periodontics and Oral
Implant logy from KLE Vishwanath Katti Institute
of Dental Sciences, Belagavi.
33RD Molar Extraction Dental Services
3RD Molar Extraction Dental Services in Nashik.
Third molars commonly known as wisdom teeth have
a bad reputation as the bad element of the dental
world. The last teeth to erupt, wisdom teeth
usually surface during the early twenties, but
the instances of the eruption in late adulthood
are also common. The problem arises when the 3rd
molars erupt improperly or misaligned. In such a
scenario, wisdom teeth can damage the adjacent
teeth, this is why they need to be extracted.
4Orthodontic Treatments Services
Orthodontic Treatments Services in Nashik.
Orthodontics or dent facial orthopedics is the
branch of dentistry that is concerned with the
correction of crooked and crowded teeth. To
produce a regular and natural arrangement of
teeth for a beautiful smile when there is a need
for altering bone growth, you need orthodontic
5Pedodontics Dental Services
Pedodontics Dental Services in Nashik.
Pedodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry
that deals with child dental care. A Pedodontics
is concerned with help and guidance on proper
dental care for children that includes
instruction on proper diet, the practice of oral
hygiene and fluoride use.
6Prosthodontics Dental Services
Prosthodontics Dental Services in Nashik.
Prosthodontics is a dental speciality that deals
with restoration and replacement of damaged or
lost teeth. Prosthodontists are the specialized
trained dentists with a deep understanding of
functional, natural-looking and beautiful smiles.
This is why they are also called the architects
of the smile.
7Book An Appointment!
- Dental Clinic College Rd, Patil Colony, Canada
Corner, Nashik - contact_at_acaciadentalclinic.com
- 91 97300 07001
- acaciadentalclinic.com