Title: HUM 115 Active Participation - snaptutorial.com
1HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
2HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 All DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com HUM 115 Week 1
Discussion Critical Thinking HUM 115 Week 2
Discussion Decision-Making
3HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 Week 1 Discussion Critical Thinking For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Words
can have different meanings in different
contexts, and that is the case with the word
critical. Using a shared definition makes
discussion more productive, so to begin, this
week we define what is meant by critical
thinking. Sometimes, the word
4HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 Week 2 Discussion Decision-Making For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com You
make dozens of choices and decisions each day,
often without being consciously aware of them.
Because critical thinking may be more rigorous
than "everyday" thinking, it is important to
recognize some factors that can influence the
5HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 Week 3 Discussion Bias, Fallacy, and
Assumption For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com In the first weeks of this course, you
learned about factors that can affect how
effective critical thinking is. This week, you
learn about bias, fallacy, assumption, and
ambiguous communication. These elements often
come into play when someone
6HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 Week 4 Discussion Arguments For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Every day we
are a party to arguments. This is another
instance where defining our words is important.
When we talk about critical thinking, the
"arguments" we refer to are not the conflicts or
squabbles we have with others in our daily
7HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com
HUM 115 Week 5 Discussion Critical Thinking and
Social Media For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Welcome to Week 5
and congratulations! The discussions this week
have been practical, productive, and possibly
life-changing! We started the course reflecting
on how we formulate opinions and beliefs. We then
expanded the concept of critical
8HUM 115 Active Participation
- snaptutorial.com