Title: Inge Sri Rosadi Excellent Student of Literature
1Inge Rosadi
Literature Lover Avid Reader Loves Swimming,
Music Singing
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3Inge Rosadi is a hardworking professional and she
has offered her services as a private tutor for
Japanese people who like to learn Indonesia
language and culture after college.
4Inge Rosadi was born in Jakarta, Indonesia and
received early education there. She earned her
bachelor's degree in Japanese Language and
Literature from Darma Persada University in
Jakarta. She is a notable storyteller and offers
consultation in the field of literature.
5Inge Rosadi has worked for various companies and
she has managed to volunteer too. Inge Rosadi was
born and raised in Jakarta and is accustomed to
their inclinations and history.
6Inge Sri Rosadi is an extremely passionate
Japanese language teacher and she is eager to
learn and serve people by means of her
profession. She has a great understanding of
exceptional techniques due to which she enjoys
personal hobbies while handling professional
7Inge Rosadi is interested in movies, swimming,
and reading, baking, and singing are matchless.
She is a music lover and she loves to listen to
the music of varied genres. She has plans to
enter the business world by having an enterprise
of her own.
Find out more about her at her official site